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Okay, this is long shot... I heard at another forum that someone was trying to cast amp damage on another player, but it would not work.
I know that % DR has a cap for players(IIRC 75%). The theory is that the player had over 100% DR, and that amp would not work on him(just like on phys immune monsters), even though the % DR cap lowered his damage reduced below 100%. Does anyone know, if this is true?
SoE= 15%
Shaft= 30%
Vamp= 20%
Storm= 35%
100% total (of course, BER runes can be used as well to get 100% or more)
Does 100% damage reduced make players unaffected by amplify damage?
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This will take a while;
Bones and tissue, tubes and fat!! All sustained by blood. Nothing more than a poorly tended machine. And look!! It has a brain!! Fueled by the blood that races heavily in times of grotesquely hightened desires and vices!! You can see the matter and feel the substance, but eyes and hands are useless for sensing the rot and filth of ideas that drip from these things!! ~JtHM~
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Hail Baajikill,
Err, `unaffected by amplify damage' is obviously not exactly what you meant, but you should note that going from hardly taking any physical damage (aye, 75%) to taking full damage (ie 0%PR) is going to be a darn obvious difference; in the end, it'll probably be noticed more than if you had 0%, though obviously you'll take a heck of a lot more damage than you would with 0% :P
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Yes, as allready said, that is true, you would be immune to Amp Damage. However, that bug will be fixed with the 1.10 patch :)
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Quote:However, that bug will be fixed with the 1.10 patch
Good, % DR is already good enough without adding a buggy amp damage resistance :)
Hmmm....maybe I should try holding my breath......<turns blue>....<passes out>
perhaps not...
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Well, I know this has been answered but I tried searching and I seem to be to dim to find it...
While I am still fiddeling with my idea of the an almost unvulnerable Paladin a couple of Questions arose that are somewhat connected to %Damage Reduction.
Well as I understand (and the 75% cap seems to point in that direction) %Based Damage Reduction is handeled as physical resistance, correct so far?
Second, is this applied after straight Damage Reduction or before?
Attack is initiated
-> AR/DR Check (incl. Attackers and Defenders Level)
if Attack success
->Shield Block Check
if Block fails
->Damage Reduction
->Reduced Damage is lowered according to Physical Resist
Is this order correct? (and as a Bonus Question: If yes, is this Order also true for MDR being applied before Resists?)
Greetings Dave
I am not trying to post like a
Wanker but my english has a pretty strong krautish influence.
Feel free to flame the content but give me some slack on spelling an grammar, thanks

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Yes, that looks correct.
There are three types of people in the world. Those who can count and those who can't.
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>>>and as a Bonus Question: If yes, is this Order also true
>>>for MDR being applied before Resists?
Yes it is.
If you want a good summary of the order in which damage modifications are applied, have a look at
Tommi's site.
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Thanks a lot fellas
I am not trying to post like a
Wanker but my english has a pretty strong krautish influence.
Feel free to flame the content but give me some slack on spelling an grammar, thanks

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