Item Generation question
I have only looked at this in old versions (like starting with 1.02. It seems it has never changed, at least not on a quick peek back in 1.08/1.09 or so. AT least back then there were indeed a minimum cap that handled cases were you subtract 2 or 1, so no worries :)

One intriguing thing (and this seems to be 1.09 based on the date). I recalled that the game actually repicked "normally" if it got the dagger poison or a skill allready picked, that is, it looped and picked until it got a possible one. So no loophole were you could at times get an uber skill. SInce there should always be possible skills and the selection of possible ones would be low, it should not (at least practically), be a problem of infinit looping. ANyway, if poison dagger or existing skill was picked, it would still pick in the same group, not among all of the skills for the class. Or did I missunderstand peoples concerns?
There are three types of people in the world. Those who can count and those who can't.
Above all, thank you Hammerman for your great information.

Question to Hammerman:
Quote:Above 36: 5
Between 24 and 36: 4
Between 18 and 24: 3
Between 18 and 11: 2
11 or lower: 1
What about ilvl 18 and 24? The word "between" is confusing me.

Question to Ruvanal:
Quote:The ilvl of the items will be 25, which will make the skill_adder 3.
From the list, I think ilvl 25 will make the skill_adder 4. Am I wrong, or did I misunderstand something?
ala5,Aug 13 2004, 09:54 AM Wrote:Question to Hammerman:

Question to Ruvanal:
The answers to both of those questions are already in replies to this (over a year old) thread.
You don't know what you're talking about.
I found them. Sorry for not checking all replies. English is not my mother language, so reading isn't that easy... :(

About "excluding skill" (Poison Dagger), I have a few questions about this:

1) It's almost sure that Holy Shield can't spawn as staffmod in scepters (in 1.10). This was reported by many persons and tested a lot.
2) I also heard that Smite can't spawn as staffmod, either. I've tested this for more than 10 minutes with level 1 character from ACT2 dragnon (modified single player character), and found 0 scepters with Smite. I stopped testing but I believed this has been tested by others for a long time so it's believable.

So, I tend to assume that Holy Shield and Smite can't be spawn as staffmod.

My question is that how do the codes exclude them? Are they treated the same as Poison Dagger?
Yes, I know that Hammerman see codes checking 73(Poison Dagger) and dealing with it. But is this checking(73) hardcoded, or 73 is a variable in memory(array)? I'm guessing if it's possible that Hammerman used only wands to parse staffmod generation rule but in fact for every item type with staffmod, there is respective "excluding skills list" (may be empty list) to handle.

It will be much appreciated if Hammerman answers.
Thanks a lot in advance.
I found some information may be helpful: Zath's comments

Quote:I believe the itypea* fields in skills.txt are to blame in this case. Holy Shield has itypea1=shld (shield), and that may be what is restricting it from spawning on scepters. Other potential staffmods that may share a similar problem are Poison Dagger (knife), Smite (shield), Double Swing (melee), Stun (melee), Double Throw (throwing), Leap Attack (melee), Concentrate (melee), Frenzy (melee), Whirlwind (melee), and Berserk (melee).
Hope someone could check it out.

Thanks a lot in advance.

- ArchDemonHunter
Hi there everybody,

I think this threads deals only with single skills, i.e. with +x to one specific skill, right? As I am currently playing a Necro, this answered some of my questions concerning what kind of stuff I should look for. The same is valid for Necromancer-specific shields, I guess (?). As a Summoner I (theoretically) could get a +3 Skeleton Mastery, +3 Raise Skeleton Wand, if I understood everything correctly. Even more it should be possible to get an additional +3 Golem Mastery on the same item (wand or shield), right?

I am not sure, whether it's ok to ask the following question here, but I will give it a try. Can someone explain about +All Necromancer Skills and +Summoning Skills (i.e. Skills for a Skill-Tab)? Concretely I would like to know, whether it is possible to get combinations like [+2 All, +3 Raise Skeleton, +3 Skeleton Mastery] or [+3 Summoning Skills, +3 Skeleton Mastery, +3 Raise Skeleton] on one item.

An additional question would be how likely such a combination would be, if it is possible. Highly unlikely, I am conscious about that fact. But has anyone ever seen something like (near to) that?

I apreciate any hints. It's my first post here (I was a regular reader of the LurkerLounge years ago and I am happy to see action here again), so please let me know if I shouldn't have posted that here ...

All the best,
AFAIK the maxumum mods you can receive on class specific items are as follows:

+2tree, +3skill, +3skill
+2skill, +3skill, +3skill
+2all, +3skill

The last one may be able to get another skill but I doubt it. The above mentioned generation rules apply to each skill, after the skill is selected the +1 through +3 is selected. If I am wrong please correct me as I love learning about these things :D
Thanx for answering :)

So there is a general restriction, that on +3 Tree-Skills there might not follow any +3 Skill, or is that a typo? What's the maximum possible behind a +3 Tree-Skill would be interesting then? But as +2 All-Skills is possible with +3 Skill, this seems to be the variant to head for ...
I'm sorry to say that I told you all I know, I'm more of an MF expert/item drop expert.
Staffmods give +1-3 to up to 3 skills.

This is entirely independent of affixes.

So an item with staffmods could have up to +3 to up to 3 skills. Then come the affixes. If it's magic, it could have an additional +3 to a skilltab, or +2 to all skills of a class. If it's rare/crafted, it could have +2 to skilltab or +2 to all skills of a class.
Oooooh. That means there is the possibility totally UEBER-wands and -staves can be created out there. Thank you both for replying - I have wanted to know this for decades :) Although I have never seen anything near to that +3 +3 +3 +3 thingy. But man, I have been playing for just years, so maybe tomorrow ... ;)

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