(ok i know i have already posted a topic like this)
does the lurker lounge players ever meet up somewhere
to play a game of diablo ?
I would really like to play with someone from the lurker lounge because i know they are legit i am sick of going into games with things comming up like "so and so has cast an illegal spell" or " a duplicate item has been detected the duplicate item has been destroyed"
I hate hackers because they reck the game for others :angry: . I know the pleople are intrested in having a fun game so can i please play with someone from here. if you are intrested in playing with me i play on the us-west gateway or the europe gateway(about 98% of the time i am in the us-west gateway) after 9.00pm english time my diablo name is hell-bringer so just whisper to me! if you are intrested with playing with just say below. :D
"Darkness and evil shall fall back to the burning hells within and light shall rule the lands of the good."

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