The D1 Meet'n'Greet
Feel free to use this thread for introductions and "I can't find players"/"Find players here" sorts of posts. These sorts of posts seem fairly common, so it'd keep the board less cluttered if they all fell into the same thread.

Be very careful with clan spam. If someone can't find players, suggesting a clan is one thing. Popping in here with advertisements is another. (Yuck.)

Otherwise, feel free to setup games and solicit playing partners here.

Hi, Lemmy:

I don't think this is spammy, but if you do, feel free to ask me to put it somewhere else.

Bel is organizing a Reunion DSF Gathering

Date: Sunday 08/02/03
Time: Start: 12:00 Noon, EST. (GMT -5)
Time: End: Whenever everyone but the channel guardians log off.
Channel: Diablo DSF-1 on USWest
[Image: Sabra%20gold%20copy.jpg]

I blame Tal.

Sabramage Authenticated!
Hello, my first time posting here. I was looking for some high level (above level 30) people to play with in nightmare and hell. A lot of my old friends on D1 have quit and since I don't like D2 all that much I was hoping to find some legit people to play with. If you want to play with me you can message me, my account name is Eventhral or you can email me at
Hi all , I'm an player from Asia.
It's nice to been here.
My D1 acc. is rogue_the_sexy.
But.........I can't find players in Asia.
If anyone wants to play with me I'll be glad to do it.
I am Siroh Amada,2nd lieutenant of Gozima Mobile Squadron of EFSF South-East Asia Force and captain of
08th MS Team.

We have 3 Ground Combat Gundams in this team and I'm the Ace pilot that pilot one
Although my Gundam had been defeated in a fierce combat with Zeon Dutchy but we had repared it and customized into Gundam RX-79[G]Ez-8,which have high hit power , agility and high topograhpy adaptation.
It's enough!I just showing my CRAZY to Gundam to you guys .XDDDDDD
By the way,If there's any improper grammars please reform me.

I recommend you to change the gateway. All other 3 gateways have higher population than Asia, and I personally use all three depending on circumstances. Most people here play on USWest gateway Diablo DSF-1 though. I realize you will have some problems due to being in a different timezone, but that is a problem you will unfortunately have to overcome.

Good luck finding people to play with!

I thought this link could be useful for the thread:

The Greenwich Mean Time

As long as the players keep their own computer clocks accurate, there are apps in this page that can help them to calculate their Timezone (and other players' Timezone) fast and easyly, so they can agree WHEN they will meet (if possible...).
"La espada de la divina justicia no hiere prematura ni tardíamente, aunque una u otra cosa parezca a los que la deseen o la temen".

Dante Alighieri
I am seeking a party, anyone that wishes to party can message me on.... Anuvii USEast if im on diablo 1...

ShinobuMaehara@Azeroth or Seks.@Azeroth (with the period) if I'm on Warcraft 3 The Frozen Throne
0ddones-are-me if I'm on Diablo 2 LOD ( with the 0 in odd being a zero)

So uhh, yeah I am a Rouge on Diablo 1, message me! I *THINK* I might be level 4...not sure, going to play Diablo, have fun all :-D


P.s. If all the above fails, I'm probably playing Pool of Radiance, or doing homework <_<
Level 6 now, i think ill get to level 10~13 before trying level 3...yes, i actually ENJOY leveling up, im one of those kinds of people that, in diablo 2LOD, dont like to leave act 2 until im level 20~25 (v.1.09)
I also dont like to double post, 6th~8th time editing this post :rolleyes:
:huh: Even though I followed Diablo for a long time, I am newbie at playing it. I created a game on battlenet for a friend and myself to play cooperatively. When he had to leave i continued to play. I died many times but I always managed to recover my equipment; till now.

I got overconfident and careless on level 8 and when I fled to the stairs, rather than die like a person, I got eliminated there. I am a Lvl15 sorcerer, but I am not facile enough to: cast a phase scroll, inbibe a full potion of rejuv, cast a mana shield scroll, cast a couple of firewall spells, and then a bunch of charged bolt spells, fast enough to avoid being killed by a mob when I enter the level. I really only lost a premium shield, a premium helm and "a Ring of the Mind", (plus other assorted odds and ends) but I would like to get them back, especially the "Ring of the Mind" (magic+14).

I would like to reward you, but as I am only L15, I do not really have anything to offer. If a specialist can think of a way that I can repay them, I will be glad to do so. This will also give me a chance to meet new friends. Are there any good Samaritans out there?

Anyone may respond to me on this forum, or my email addr is:

Thanks for listening
Malach cha Movis
Hi im new here, some of you may know me from the many times i popped into dsf-1
Name: David
ASL:17/M/New Zealand
Current Accounts: Reptile
Hello there :) I'm Az3ar, I used to play D1 once but I came back a few monthes ago.

A little bit about myself: I played 2 years ago and as a noob I cheated extensively, after 2-3 monthes it got boring to heaven and I stopped completely, never knew how fun the game was legitimately :) Right now I struggle to find a decent game without people whining for items and whatnot... I hope I find some with people in here :)
"It burns because its burning!"
Hi there!

I just came back to diablo after having a long break for around 4-5 years. During the break I've mainly been playing mmorpgs like Everquest and Daoc. But now im finally bored with them, and im gonna come back to my all time favourite game Diablo. That I played for around 3-4 years before I started with the mmorpg games.

I've already been playing for around 2 weeks now. Im currently level 40 with my warrior and im looking for some other legit warriors to gain levels and have fun with!

My name is Yahiko- and I mainly play on the european server. So if you are a warrior and want to gain levels and have fun with me, then feel free to send me a tell

Im normally in the channel diablo swe-1.

Well I guess that's it, see you all in game
i am jr from the uk, i got realy bored so i thought i would look around for some diablo mods, i was amazed that people still play diablo nowadays and i am just about to blow the dust off of my diablo and go play, i used to have two profiles on my old comp. fourtune - a rogue and a warrior but i forgot his name :( anyway, hope to see you all playing d1, and if i cant find my old characters i might have to start again :( i dont mind excepting donations, hint hint :lol:
Hello friends,

I am Drackula, no I am not a vampire (or am I...).Well I would like to say I like the website alot and i play bot Diablo and Diablo2. I do need help though on Diablo so if you can jus message me. I hope you can become my friends and i can become yours.

Drackula :lol:
I play Diablo on USEast regularly, if anyone's interested in getting me in a game, let me know... my chars are Malachyte, a level 32 Sorc; Anderius, a level 17 Warrior; Arilyn, a level 9 Rogue; and Antares(BNM), a level 3 BNM. Just message me on if I'm on and you want to play. Also, I'd appreciate any donations players can make to my BNM.
Reality is the greatest illusion of all.
I am always up for a co-op. I am on bnet more than i care to admit. Hey! I have a life :)
Hello, this is former poster Nazgul. I changed my name due to my character name on Diablo.

I play both East and West. I am trying to meet more people from West, so I have been wandering over there more and more. I've been playing since 97', was a Hellrider under the name of ashen-san. If anyone is interested in playing you may add me to your friends list. Just let me know you are a lurker :huh: :D

" Sleep, those little slices of death, how I loath them. "
- Edgar Allan Poe
Heya, Urza here, known by some, not known by others ^_^ Just re-started playing regularly over on US West, lookup any of my chars:


if your ever up for a game!
"You can build a perfect machine out of imperfect parts."

He's an old-fashioned Amish cyborg with no name. She's a virginal nymphomaniac fairy princess married to the Mob. Together, they fight crime!

The Blizzcon Class Discussion:
Crowd: "Our qq's will blot out the sun"
Warlocks: "Then we will pewpew in the shade"
Looks like I've resolved the Start Game-Blue Screen issue, so starting tonight I'll be back on bnet US West under the various monickers:

dotAwful - coop rogue
dotMaribuka - rogue

Look for the dot, and I won't be far behind....

Hello Everyone....
Ofcourse by seeing my name I am Pockit the Druid on Diablo 2 Exp., but I have recent;ly started playing Diablo Classic it rules!!, although you can't run (which is soooooo stupid... i fell asleep) it is a good game you can find me on USEast or USWest... i am always looking for a good team. I am asking for some people to team weith so message me and since i got the game of my friend a former notorious hacker on Diablo i can only stay in the channels in the channel menu!!!!(why did he hack).

Oh well nice speaking and
Later Days!

I will meet with people in D1 on Battle Net East Realm! I have a password so this will be a Fourm reader only game!

Date: June 26,2004
Time:7:00 PM EST
Stop: Whenever
Channel: Jfb392 Diablo
Password: diablo392
thanx i hope people will be there p.s. i am only a level 1-9 character and need exp points so i need your help

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