For some reason, all of my dat files are DatHack files. This is not good, not good at all. I need to change them at once. Anyone who has any idea on how to do this, please respond
Please people, anything you can suggest would be beneficial, if I do not fix this problem by tomorrow night I will be in an absolute world of trouble.
Apostolos,Aug 15 2003, 11:49 AM Wrote:Please people, anything you can suggest would be beneficial, if I do not fix this problem by tomorrow night I will be in an absolute world of trouble.
Hmm, not running bad perfoming cheat/hack program helps :)

You should (depending on windows version I think), open up the "my computer folder". Under either "show" or "tools" there is a menu option for folders On this windows 2000 it is called "folder options" (in swedish though so might have slightly different name in english). There you find a further option for file types where you get a list of all file types registered by the OS. Just delete the one for dat files. I am not sure if the OS have some default program to open such files though, if so, you might have to restore it but I don't think so. In older windows versions the list of recognized file types was accessible in a slightly different meny (hence the "show" mentioned above, although again that is the swedish name of the meny).

I am sure someone more skilled in Windows can give you a better answer, but perhaps this still helps some until then :)
There are three types of people in the world. Those who can count and those who can't.
Success!!! I works, it works!!! You have no idea how much I am in your debt, Jarulf. May the light be with you! :P

Might I add that even if I didn't fix it I was honored to be helped by the man who created the best known diablo guide, EVER. I would say best diablo guide ever created, however that's a matter of opinion and could not easily be proved, to say it is the best known is undeniable.
Quote: Please people, anything you can suggest would be beneficial, if I do not fix this problem by tomorrow night I will be in an absolute world of trouble.

You posted for help. You waited twenty minutes. You posted again, begging and pleading that we help you faster. That's called spamming, and we'll have none of that here. Clear?


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