25 person max raid size for expansion
Quote:I am going to attempt to describe to you a fight in Naxxramas, Maexxna, from a Mage and Priest perspective(i have the rare ability to play 2 characters in a Tier 3 zone. Its a long story so i won't get into if you are curious why)

Ashock, i don't mean to be mean but you have very little comprehension of what goes on in high level raid encounters. Yes Molten Bore you can auto follow someone and wake up 3 hours later at Ragnaros fire a couple of frost bolts and call it a day. But in AQ40, Twin Emps and beyond, and any encounter in Naxxramas you will kill your entire raid if you are not concentrating and participating.

I will agree with you that if Blizzard designed epic encounters like the Hunter quest or the Priest quest that involve epic items and can be soloed those would be great additions to the game. I am not opposed to casual players getting great gear for effort put in. What i am opposed to is someone who only wants to take 15 minutes to do a quest that involves getting an epic item. Raiding involves massive amounts of time, skill and consumables and should equal a massive reward. Of all the solo and 5 man quests i have done, only the Priest epic quest involved me getting consumables and such to beat it. Every other small group quest i have just had the basics.

Effort/Skill should equal quality reward.
No effort and no skill should equal crappy reward.

If Blizzard could somehow come up with quests that involved 1 person, 5 people, 10 people, 15 people, 25 people or 40 people that used the criteria above i think there would be very little complaining. I am not sure why they have only implemented Hunter and Priest epic quests. Those were fairly hard and involved time, effort, skill and consumables.

*Sigh* ok, just to clear this up. I never said that non-raiders should have gear equal to raiders. I did say that even those who raid ZG for a week with an established guild, will have better items than those that do not raid for a year. I never said that non-raiders should have gear equal to the let's say AQ40 + club. However, to not even be on par with ZG? You know that it is the case. Why do you people purposely avoid the point that the gera gap is not just there, but it is of cosmic proportions? I can run URBS for 50 years and I will still have a 41 DPS 1-hander as my top DPS 1-hander and no other DPS items (well almost). I will run ZG for a week and I will auto-upgrade to close to 50 DPS 1-hander and a host of other semi-decent purps. Same thing goes for Exalted in the BGs. Blue 1-handers and 1 TUF which equals the best 2-H ZG sword. One ring. Once we start considering MC, which many ppl do while being half-asleep, the gap suddenly gets huge. See, if you could get MC-type items in 5-10 man's (which require full participation from EVERYONE), I would have no problems. You guys choose to only concentrate on the hardest raids when debating me, because you know that you can offer arguments which I do not even touch upon and you can't offer those to those I am talking about. I never wanted Naxx or AQ40 or even BWL loot. I just want something better than lvl 58-60 blues.

However, as I've said.... The BC should fix at least some of these issues, so it's a moot point. You guys will have to adjust to the way things are going to be soon enough.


Messages In This Thread
25 person max raid size for expansion - by Kevin - 08-12-2006, 05:39 AM
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25 person max raid size for expansion - by Monkey - 08-16-2006, 06:44 PM
25 person max raid size for expansion - by Monkey - 08-17-2006, 02:37 AM

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