Those "uber 1337 haxxors" finally get the chop
Isolde,Apr 7 2003, 01:52 AM Wrote:Though out of curiosity, which assertions do you get?
If you'll forgive me jumping in, in the hopes of free tech support...

(followed by all the dump info)

I get these every day or two. One of them is what took out my HC Paladin (which I was griping/whining about in my sig in my first post in this thread). The situation is that I'll be playing just fine, I'll click somewhere on the screen, I'll hear chord.wav (the default sound for error boxes), and the screen will freeze. I then have to use Alt-Tab to go to the Win2000 desktop and make the error message box active and press Enter to dismiss the box, because I can't give it focus using the mouse. After that, the Diablo II process will go away. What's really maddening is that while I'm trying to get to the message box to dismiss the process, I can see from the lights on my moden that packets are still being sent and received, so I'm not dropping.

I'll admit it would probably have been more sensible to just hit Alt-F4 when this happens, but since I haven't tried it, I don't know if it would work.

I've also gotten this one, which I sent to as a bug report, but nothing seemed to come of it:

Diablo II Error
Assertion Failure
Location : D2CMP\Src\SpriteCache.cpp, line #670
Expression : [sValidateSynchLoadDirectionBlock] There are differences
between the CEL Data and the Cel File:


There have been others, but I've kinda given up keeping track.

-- CH

Messages In This Thread
Those "uber 1337 haxxors" finally get the chop - by Roderigo - 04-05-2003, 11:34 PM
Those "uber 1337 haxxors" finally get the chop - by Thoreandan - 04-06-2003, 04:15 PM
Those "uber 1337 haxxors" finally get the chop - by CelticHound - 04-07-2003, 08:09 AM

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