01-03-2006, 09:47 PM
Gnollguy,Jan 3 2006, 04:27 PM Wrote:So what do those translate into for you. Well your raid build is very much like the one I posted earlier but you use SoC instead of HS/Righteousness for the damage. You might be better getting HS back. It gives you a solo damage/pull option and you can do the judged crusader/Righteousness, eve with a two hander. That combo was something like 110 holy damage added a swing with peacemaker. You get a bit better burst control with HS and judgements. Though the burst DPS you can do with a judge command on a stunned target is a fair bit to give up. You could just drop command and one point in benediction and max holy power then get holy shock. You might solo better that way and you get even more raid utility.
It really centres around the availability of Kings. Frankly, I'm highly unimpressed by the Protection talents I have to take in order to get to Kings: I'd like to have the best of both worlds with SoC and HS.
What I'm probably going to do is grab the 31holy/20ret build and experiment with SoC (no shock) versus HS + SoR, testing downtimes and killing speeds. If I find that HS plus SoR is good enough for me, I may just drop SoC.