DeeBye,Aug 27 2005, 01:54 AM Wrote:In anticipation of The Transporter 2, I watched The Transporter tonight, and I loved it. My wife did not watch it with me. It was boring. It was ugly. It was just a bunch of guys fighting. I loved it.
I love a good "Guy Movie". This got me to thinking -- what are the best "Guy Movies"? I have my opinions, and here they are in no particular order.
- The Terminator
- Aliens (the original was scary, and the sequel has ass-kicking space marines!)
- Predator
- Bloodsport (butt-kickery at its best)
- Spartacus (I'm Spartacus!)
- Road Warrior (post-apocalyptic awesomeness)
- Waterworld (like the above, only with water and a dose of Dennis Hopper)
I could probably add another 20 movies here, but I'd like to hear your input.
I'm sure you could find some nice ones at My favorite quote (edit)was on my signature. It's "A vapiress rises from the grave. The audience suffers.
I have a hard time believing a girl would sit through Dr. Strangelove, even though it is a classic. It is almost perfect for a guy movie though, with lots of guns, a crazy madman obsessed with water, a semi-mad scientist with alien hand syndrome, and about 20 atomic bombs. No blood though.
What is the judicial system coming to when child molesters get 5 years and cottage cheese gets 30.