05-25-2005, 03:23 PM
Drasca,May 25 2005, 12:58 AM Wrote:Though players do have this option, let's look at the classes and what they're effective at. I believe Warlocks are in a position natural to dissecting the entire battlefield.I agree that warlocks have a good vantage point for the overall battle, and that playing the warlock well requires you to have excellent awareness of what's going on. But it's not solely the purview of the warlock. I find that my priest requires the same level of attention to the ebb and flow of battle, and because she's usually positioned in the back ranks, she has a good vantage point to do so.
Similarly the hunter's back rank position lends itself well to surveying the battlefield, and playing that class well also requires good situational awareness. Hunters can perform incredibly good CC by chain trapping and offtanking with their pets, but they have to be very aware of what else is going on to pull it off effectively.
[stuff snipped]
Drasca,May 25 2005, 12:58 AM Wrote:Warlock skills lend toward spreading attention between mutiple targets in solo and group play in their class careers.A tangent here, but I think this gets at the eureka moment I had when playing the warlock: it's really about dying slowly.
Warlock skills lend themselves towards watching the entirety of the battle, controlling its flow, and functioning as a living fighting organism sharing aggro, health, mana, damage, and powers between the warlock and his pet.
You have two green bars and two blue bars to manage between you and your pet, and the objective in any encounter is to come out of it with at least two slivers of green, and hopefully more besides.
You have a bunch of skills to remove green and blue from mobs (DoTs, DD spells, life drains, mana drains), add to your own green bar (siphon life, drain life, healthstone, death coil, bandages, and potions), add to your blue bar (drain mana, life tap, dark pact, or perhaps potions), and prop up your pet's green bar (health funnel, bandages). Plus your pet has a variety of different skills to deploy, depending on the pet you have out at the moment. And each of these has implications for aggro, and you have to learn about that as you use them growing up.
When you roll it all up, it's a lot to juggle, probably more so than any other class. But it is really fun to come out of an encounter with potions cooling down, healthstone cooling down, freshly bandaged debuff fading, and a pile of corpses at your feet. :)