Tonight and Tomorrow Night on Stormrage.
Just got off the horn with bone daddy Tal. Couple o' things.

Bunch of folks need Baron gear. So tonight we're heading out to raid. Whoever would like to come and steal the Baron's pants is more than welcome. Just message me or our GM when he logs on.

The big thing, though, is we'd like to get a 15 man Lurker/CA/Basin family love fest going on in UBRS tomorrow night. Please lemme know if you're interested in coming along. There are a bunch of people that need the General's drop. I realize that there is a problem with us having a bunch of one class or another, and my gut instinct says if we can't fill up two raid groups, we should try to arrange it so the people who really need the drop can go. Which would mean, for example, if Flyn, Gebo, and Alarick all needed devout robes, I would politely step down.

Sooo . . .

Who's in? And if so, do you need a drop there? Let's get the Lurker's all spiffy in shiny gear.


Messages In This Thread
Tonight and Tomorrow Night on Stormrage. - by Hillary - 05-03-2005, 10:08 PM
Tonight and Tomorrow Night on Stormrage. - by Tal - 05-04-2005, 12:50 PM
Tonight and Tomorrow Night on Stormrage. - by Tal - 05-04-2005, 03:49 PM

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