Rather than post in the altitis topic I started, I decided to post another thread as an update and a big thanks. I had hit The Wall around 42 where quests were going as slow as molasses and i wasn't really old enough to find a new area. Then things started getting a lot better.
Ruv and Sabra often took me under their wing and grouping with them was a great experience. Knocking off quests and prepping for Uldaman. When the time came for us to go with Aleri and Gnolack I thought WoW i went to an instance while i was still age appropriate.
The same happenened for SM. Zippyy, Mitzy, Emjly and Grizelle(?) invited me to go to SM, unfortunately Mitzy and Emjly were having problems with their school network that night so were unable to continue, but the gesture of an invite was much appreciated.
I was able to go back to SM and complete it not too much later with Sommli, Ab, Griz and Aleri (?)(sorry my memory does kinda suck :lol: ) This turned out to be one of my favorite instance and the fact that i was able to do it with Lurkers made it all the better. I made a return trip later with Galreth, Ab, and Griz for a cathedral run too which was lots of fun.
I think the thing that surprised me most out of everything was the random whisper that showed up yesterday afternoon. I got an invite from Griz to head to Maraudon. For whatever reason made me happy to receive this random invite. A new instance and A new experience for me. :) Of course Ab was there as well and we had Katrin and a pick-up warrior as our front line. Things went smoothly and we got everything done other than princess.
So why the update? Last night I hit 50 and thought "Wow only 10 levels to go." I want to thank all of the Lurkers who added their support in the "Altitis" thread and those who've helped me feel like i've become more of a part of the guild. I now find myself between 2 groups, the upper of the two being in their mid fifites (54 or so) and the lower being in their late fourties (47 or so) I'm hoping this will help to continue to expand my experiences and provide many fun times with a large number of lurkers.
It's funny, simple things like Sommli's constant joking jabs at me help keep me going too. Look out Sommli, cause yes I will get to 60 before you. :P
And now to hijack my own thread. Arethor is lined up for a few quests that he would love to have Lurkers on board for. He needs to run all of Z'f sometime soon because he's starting to get old for it and the Z'f quests comprise nearly half of his quest log. He also needs to go for a Princess run in Maraudon, and a mushroom picking run in Uldaman. If you have any interest in any of these just let me know :D weekends might be a little tough for me at this point though, because my family is still in the process of moving stuff over to the new house and last weekend we were out almost all day saturday. I know this isn't really conducive to instances but if there's interst i'll try and make things work.
Edit: Bah, need to pay attention to which forum i'm in when i post the topic, Mongo is there any way to move this to The Crossroads?
Ruv and Sabra often took me under their wing and grouping with them was a great experience. Knocking off quests and prepping for Uldaman. When the time came for us to go with Aleri and Gnolack I thought WoW i went to an instance while i was still age appropriate.
The same happenened for SM. Zippyy, Mitzy, Emjly and Grizelle(?) invited me to go to SM, unfortunately Mitzy and Emjly were having problems with their school network that night so were unable to continue, but the gesture of an invite was much appreciated.
I was able to go back to SM and complete it not too much later with Sommli, Ab, Griz and Aleri (?)(sorry my memory does kinda suck :lol: ) This turned out to be one of my favorite instance and the fact that i was able to do it with Lurkers made it all the better. I made a return trip later with Galreth, Ab, and Griz for a cathedral run too which was lots of fun.
I think the thing that surprised me most out of everything was the random whisper that showed up yesterday afternoon. I got an invite from Griz to head to Maraudon. For whatever reason made me happy to receive this random invite. A new instance and A new experience for me. :) Of course Ab was there as well and we had Katrin and a pick-up warrior as our front line. Things went smoothly and we got everything done other than princess.
So why the update? Last night I hit 50 and thought "Wow only 10 levels to go." I want to thank all of the Lurkers who added their support in the "Altitis" thread and those who've helped me feel like i've become more of a part of the guild. I now find myself between 2 groups, the upper of the two being in their mid fifites (54 or so) and the lower being in their late fourties (47 or so) I'm hoping this will help to continue to expand my experiences and provide many fun times with a large number of lurkers.
It's funny, simple things like Sommli's constant joking jabs at me help keep me going too. Look out Sommli, cause yes I will get to 60 before you. :P
And now to hijack my own thread. Arethor is lined up for a few quests that he would love to have Lurkers on board for. He needs to run all of Z'f sometime soon because he's starting to get old for it and the Z'f quests comprise nearly half of his quest log. He also needs to go for a Princess run in Maraudon, and a mushroom picking run in Uldaman. If you have any interest in any of these just let me know :D weekends might be a little tough for me at this point though, because my family is still in the process of moving stuff over to the new house and last weekend we were out almost all day saturday. I know this isn't really conducive to instances but if there's interst i'll try and make things work.
Edit: Bah, need to pay attention to which forum i'm in when i post the topic, Mongo is there any way to move this to The Crossroads?
Currently enjoying liberating the land of Sanctuary
Stormrage - US (Inactive)
Stormrage - US (Inactive)