Five Player Running Lower Blackrock Spire
I second the 'throw yourselves into fight' tactic before AoE. Much much better for entire party to throw some aggro onto themselves to edge time before they're pulled to the AoE caster.

Best hybrid tactic truly is disable npcs, zerg / regular engage selves into fray for aggro attraction, focus fire, then AoE from casters after some aggro's attracted. . . or AoE might not even be necessary by that point. Non-elites are simply dead. The more enemies engaged at once by multiple alliance, the better.

Certain warlock synergies would allow non-stop casting of even the most expensive AoE (my own build involves master summoner for pop up sacrfice AoE, and I'd imagine soul linked warlocks can take an extreme beating while AoE'ing before poofing), but even this has its limits. My warlock could not solo-AoE all the non-elites in Zul farak. It would have been much better to simply release prisoners and let them die halfway, and then AoE. Pulling too many onto the caster = dead caster. Sacrifice is much more powerful than PW:Shield, and seemed to stack, but was still not enough.

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Five Player Running Lower Blackrock Spire - by Drasca - 03-16-2005, 08:10 AM

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