Star Trek variant (somewhat long read)
It definitely needs some refining, but it could work. First off, you mentioned you wrote it yesterday. Have you actually played any characters like these? Play-testing is essential to make sure the variant is challenging and still fun.

I'll be doing this soon, I can't just write an official variant without playing it ;) I tried to balance it
as much as I can from what I know, but there are alyaws gameplay issues.

As for the format of the information, it really needs to be organized. I recommend downloading the variant archive at realms beyond diablo or visiting lemmingofglory's site to see how they put the information together (all links available through the D2 section of the LL).

The Variant Archive is great indeed, it even gave me some ideas. I was planning to format it, for now
it's only in Notepad.

Also, when using natural resistances, it can't account for difficulty. When in nightmare, one could put more points into resistances and still be under the minimum. If the character goes back into normal though, this maximum value would be greatly exceeded.

You got a point :)

The skills need to be looked at just a little bit as well. For instance, the borg has virtually no spell restrictions. The ones that are allowed are more than sufficient to create a build not so different than any normal build. Considering the borg can use any armor, the borg is hardly variant at all.

Yeah, I'm having trouble finding good ideas for the Borg. Perhaps I should go back to the Necro build,
or specify stats / skills restrictions (i.e. put 2 points in strength each level up, something like that).

All in all, you have a good idea, you just need to develop it. Organization wise, I suggest you put global restrictions (to all races) in a short section at the top, and then tackle each race seperately. Per each race you could describe skill/item/stat restrictions and why they are that way for the given race, i.e. a "man" may only be able to wear light armor and have small strength because in the series he is shown in black spandex and certainly could not carry on in 50 pounds of armor.

It still needs some work, at least I know what's flawed, as the writer I don't always see things
that are obvious to others, that's why I posted it. Thanks for your ideas !
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Star Trek variant (somewhat long read) - by Jedi Knight - 04-08-2003, 11:50 AM

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