Those "uber 1337 haxxors" finally get the chop
Blizzard chose to advertise free internet play as one of the features of the game. They could have also chosen to advertise "free internet play for one year". (Or even "free internet play for the length of time it takes you to drink a case of beer". :) )

To be anal about it, I dug out my D2 box. On the front of the box it says "Compete Free Over the Internet *". The fine print inside the front flap says "* Free access to reuires access to the Internet and acceptance of the Terms of Use Agreement, Player is responsible for all applicable Internet fees."

A local pizza place has a twist on the two-for-the-price-of-one deal: Buy a pizza this week, get one for free next week. Now, if next week I call in and they tell me, "well, we decided it wasn't economical" and either give me no pizza or perhaps offer half a pizza, what am I going to think?

-- CH
(Who is owed a free pizza. It's a pity my usual order seems so mind warping it causes people to run screaming into the darkness. I still don't understand what's so difficult about pepperoni with extra sauce, though.)

Messages In This Thread
Those "uber 1337 haxxors" finally get the chop - by CelticHound - 04-05-2003, 07:49 PM
Those "uber 1337 haxxors" finally get the chop - by Roderigo - 04-05-2003, 11:34 PM
Those "uber 1337 haxxors" finally get the chop - by Thoreandan - 04-06-2003, 04:15 PM

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