Which class will you play when the game goes live?
Lets see. I am really enjoying my human paladin (male) at the moment and I dabbled with every class available so far to a lesser degree.

This is my favourites list from most liked to disliked.

Tauren (they just look so darn cool yet cute at the same time, as well as them being the only real good guys when it comes to morals)
Human (just plain humans, dig the chicks)
Dwarf (love roleplaying them)
Undead (just to be a plain bad guy)
Trolls, Gnomes, orcs and Night elves just don't appeal to me in equal degree. Trolls are annoying/poorly developed (in background story), gnomes remind me of children (which remind me of Diablo2's child players), Orcs dissapoint me because their cultural heritage just doesn't coime out, and their missions don't feel orcish enough and lastly the night elf tree hugging is not my kind of tree (horsey) hugging.

Paladin (I really like their balance as well as party friendliness, as well as them fitting my idea of heroes)
Warrior (I agree with the 'in the face' mentality)
Mage (If they do something to keep them alive just a tad better in a laggy session)
rogue (if they become viable again, currently a fairly weak class due to dual wield bugs?)
Priest (most party-friendly class, but I don't like them solo. It's all about healing and I want to dish some damage out too.).
Druid (I don't like it. it's a half-priest, half-paladin thingie which has too little to do with nature in my opinion. The shapeshifting doesn't appeal to me).
Warlock (I am not the kind of person to do damage over time spells while your pet takes a constant beating).

Floating somewhere between is the hunter, as I have no idea how this class will turn out. I may like it if it's a paladin which traded it's healing for a creature buddy. It has to be able to join the melee as opposed to the warlock or I won't like it.
Former www.diablo2.com webmaster.

When in deadly danger,
When beset by doubt,
Run in little circles,
Wave your arms and shout.

Messages In This Thread
Which class will you play when the game goes live? - by Guest - 07-15-2004, 06:27 PM
Which class will you play when the game goes live? - by Crusader - 07-16-2004, 12:01 AM

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