Which class will you play when the game goes live?
Well, I've only played two classes; Warrior and Paladin. I like to get "in your face" when it comes to combat.

I prefer the Paladin over the Warrior, but the whole Rage system is nice. The Paladin is a very good balance between offense and defense; he's perfect for soloing, and great in a team. He's even better in teams where he doesn't have to serve as the primary healer, or healer at all.

When focused on damage output only, he's devastating to opponents one at a time. Two opponents of same level don't stand a chance, unless one is a healer and the Paladin didn't focus on him first. Even then, he can still take them. A good Paladin player should be able to handle three even level critters at a time, or one critter that is 3 to 4 levels higher than him. Timely using of Divine Protection and Healing is essential.

Divine Protection (formerly Divine Favour) is perfect for solo play, and is very useful for those times when your party is about to be decimated, or has been already. The Seal of Protection is nice as well, as it gives you a second "out" if things get too dicey. The nice thing about Divine Protection at level 2 is that you have just enough time to cast two heals. So, if you are hurting AND a party member is hurting, you can cast DP then heal both of you (if you have enough mana) not having to worry about how much aggro you've accrued. Seal of Protection is castable on party members as well, so if they're hurting, you can cast it on them and then heal them, if necessary.

Another thing with the Paladin is that he's a brutal undead killer. They just don't stand a chance. I can take undeads of up to 5 levels higher than me without much difficulty! Excorsism, Turn Undead, combined with Holy Strike and Crusader Strike really lays down the smack on them. "Sense Undead" is just great for finding the little buggers as well.

I've enjoyed playing the Paladin so much that it has almost guaranteed my subscribing to WoW when it goes live, and playing yet another one in my long chain of Paladins.
"Yay! We did it!"
"Who are you?"
"Um, uh... just ... a guy." *flee*

Messages In This Thread
Which class will you play when the game goes live? - by Guest - 07-15-2004, 06:27 PM
Which class will you play when the game goes live? - by JustAGuy - 07-15-2004, 11:27 PM

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