04-13-2004, 01:52 AM
I'm not in the WoW beta, but I'm able to read the Interface by just looking at the screen shot which I love to do with all new games. If I'm wrong with this someone Please correct me
Well let's see how you did!
Keyboard numbers 1 thru =/+ are 12 keys to press to activate anything from using a Postion, Special Melee attack or a Spell and even let you switch weapons like in Diablo 2.
That's pretty accurate.
The next set of 7 [looks like room for 8 icons?] Is the same as the ones in Diablo 2...Icon #1 Character stats #2 Quest Journal #6 Log off or for changing Options while in the game #7 Help!
You have the right general idea here. I actually forget what some of these are, because I never click any of them (to me the corresponding keyboard letters are easier). I believe icon #2 is acually your spells/skills list though, with icon #3 being the quests.
The last set of 5 icons appear to be Inventory. ?
Yeah. The last icon is your initial inventory. You can buy bags that hold various numbers of items for the other ones. In this case, the bag on the far left is specifically some type of ammo bag (looks like an arrow quiver, although I've never used one yet).
Upper left "Character Health & Mana...green = Stamina ???
Green = health. In some of Jarulf's pictures you may see a red bar below it, which is the warrior's rage (used for skills like mana).
Upper right Compass, Direction your moving, Location & time of day I see a 1/4 Moon ???
Yes. Also referred to as the minimap.
To the left of the compass is what I believe to be a BUFF Icon ?
In this case, it is just a status indicator that "find herbs" is active. Buffs, poison and disease, eating and drinking, a lot of things about the status of your character can be indicated in this area.
The Purple bar above the Icons, measures your current XP ?
Yes. I would think of it as a percentage of the way from your last level to the next level. When it gets all the way to the right, you level up.
Well let's see how you did!
Keyboard numbers 1 thru =/+ are 12 keys to press to activate anything from using a Postion, Special Melee attack or a Spell and even let you switch weapons like in Diablo 2.
That's pretty accurate.
The next set of 7 [looks like room for 8 icons?] Is the same as the ones in Diablo 2...Icon #1 Character stats #2 Quest Journal #6 Log off or for changing Options while in the game #7 Help!
You have the right general idea here. I actually forget what some of these are, because I never click any of them (to me the corresponding keyboard letters are easier). I believe icon #2 is acually your spells/skills list though, with icon #3 being the quests.
The last set of 5 icons appear to be Inventory. ?
Yeah. The last icon is your initial inventory. You can buy bags that hold various numbers of items for the other ones. In this case, the bag on the far left is specifically some type of ammo bag (looks like an arrow quiver, although I've never used one yet).
Upper left "Character Health & Mana...green = Stamina ???
Green = health. In some of Jarulf's pictures you may see a red bar below it, which is the warrior's rage (used for skills like mana).
Upper right Compass, Direction your moving, Location & time of day I see a 1/4 Moon ???
Yes. Also referred to as the minimap.
To the left of the compass is what I believe to be a BUFF Icon ?
In this case, it is just a status indicator that "find herbs" is active. Buffs, poison and disease, eating and drinking, a lot of things about the status of your character can be indicated in this area.
The Purple bar above the Icons, measures your current XP ?
Yes. I would think of it as a percentage of the way from your last level to the next level. When it gets all the way to the right, you level up.