Would you please stop...
Quote:Nonetheless, the Falcon's still a better ship than those pansy Federation jobs, seeing as how aboard a Federation ship you can actually get killed when your workstation explodes with all the lethality of a white phosphorus grenade, all from a weapon hit made some hundred meters away from your compartment.

In defense of this 'logic', note that on Federation ships the bridge (which is almost always where we see terminal deaths) is located in the bulge at the top-center of the primary (saucer) hull. It's not unlikely for it to take a direct hit in battle (and extremely likely if the opposition knows where the bridge is, I would think).

I actually wonder how the Enterprise made it five years without the bridge being exposed to vacuum somehow. ;)

... And while we're on a Trek/Wars tangent, I'll go ahead and derail abit more, since this issue's been bugging me for awhile.

I'm a confirmed book junkie, and my local library (only 3 blocks away, bay-bee B) ) is absolutely terrified of me. I'm in there at least once a week.

However, I seem to have gone through most of their good fiction. So, in my desperation I checked out a few Star Wars books. Some of the "New Jedi Order" ones, no less. I was underwhelmed by 'Vactor Prime', and since then have been avoiding them. But, they're not that bad.

But I've noticed something strange: the whole premise of the series is eerily familiar; it's almost as if the writers looked back 10 or 12 years and lifted the BattleTech timeline wholesale. In both cases we have a 'known universe' that's a tinderbox of factions ready to explode (the New Republic / the Inner Sphere), invaded by 'aliens' from unknown space (the Yuuzhan Vong / the Clans) with unknown and advanced technology (biotechnology / omnitech) with a seemingly-incomprehensible religion/society and/or rituals and battle tactics (the Vong's gods & yammosks / Zelbrigen, bidding, hiigara). In both cases the invading force makes strides early due to surprise and a technological advantage, but the defenders learn to adapt and improvise. In both cases the older generation (Han, Luke, Leia / Takashi Kurita, Jaime Wolf, Thomas Marik, etc.) are just about to step aside for the younger generation (Jacen, Jaina, Anakin / Victor Davion, Phelan Kell, Kai Allard-Liao). Both have prominent 'elder' characters who die early on (no spoilers here!).

It's just eery. I'd lay money that I know pretty much what'll happen to the Vong already. :(

Quote: I was rather proud of the way they did the last few eppisodes,
including stanly's final preformance.

If only only I could find the proper lyrics for the song of the brunen-G...

I hope the seccond chance (not spoiling for who) works better...

The original movies will always be better than the television series, if only because Eva Habermann starred in them! :D

And yes, the song of the Brunan'Gi was totally awesome.

Who's second chance?

EDIT: Star Wars vs Star Trek, bay-bee! cliky-clicky

EDIT2: Uploaded a pic of Eva B)
[Image: 9426697EGZMV.png]

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Would you please stop... - by LochnarITB - 02-20-2004, 01:20 AM
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Would you please stop... - by WarLocke - 02-20-2004, 01:35 AM
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