Interesting rumor about Venom from Bnet

Quote:Do not waste your life arguing trifles. You'll find, in the end, very little else.

But argumentation is so mentally stimulating! Seriously, I respect anyone who can argue as well as you can. I don't find it at all to be a waste of my life because it exposes me to new ideas, allows me to reorganize my own cognitive processes, and helps me get to know people better because their philosophies reflect a lot about them. I personally find a lot through argumentation, sometimes even playing Devil's advocate in order to encourage the exchange of more thought-provoking concepts. I also find that the most interesting conversationalists are also talented at argumenation.

Quote:Since you prefer to argue in abstraction and with thousand-dollar words, I'll happily do the same.

Alright! I love arguing in abstraction and with a complete vocabulary, and if you happily do so, all the better! It reflects what I said above about enjoying the thought processes involved with the act of argumentation. Abstract thought requires more complex cognitive devices, which in turn keeps me mentally stimulated! If you force me to pull out a dictionary, thank you! I'll have learned a new word and increased my ability to communicate!

Quote:And as a last note: Does it change anything if I tell you that I am black?

Nope. Like I said, I personally am not offended and I don't mind that you use the N-Word, but Bolty said:

Quote:I could edit that, but I'll let you deal with whatever fallout you get from it...

Rather than let someone else who could've been offended respond in a manner that was less than optimal, I presented an argument. You did say "Works for me" in reference to what Bolty said. Anyhow, I infer from his post that it is something he would edit, but he didn't in this occasion so you could answer the arguments I presented. Thanks, Bolty! Mayhaps we should add the colloquial version of the N-Word to the parser? No? I stand by the community decision!

Quote:I will not be policed by civilians.

But I hope you respect our opinions as much as we respect yours, especially when they're as well thought out as this one!

Quote:Free punches if we ever meet in person.

I'd take you up on that offer, but only if you let me buy you a drink. What do you like? Coffee? Tea? Liquor? Seriously, we can sit down and discuss and argue more social issues with a nice drink. Maybe even over a stimulating game of chess or what have you? I just want to make sure there are no hard feelings here, I never intended for their to be and if I conveyed such, I apologize. I try my best to present rational arguments and not insensitive flames.

Actually, I agree with a lot of your arguments, but I personally prefer to err on the side of social "conformity". I really don't like hurting other people's feelings. I certainly took what you said into consideration, but stating such in my initial posts would have weakened my arguments. The Devil made me do it, I swear!

Anyhow, since you are a capable debater, feel free to join the debates we have in the Lounge. I'd love to see you chime in with an opinion unless you feel it is too much of a trifle.

-Edit- You titled it "Meh"? That's something my girlfriend and I tend to say a lot. Glad to see someone else using it! Go language evolution! Next thing you know "tch" will be in the dictionary...I'm actually going to go look that up right now.

Kwansu, dudes! - A whole bunch of Patu San citizens.

Messages In This Thread
Interesting rumor about Venom from Bnet - by Bob - 08-01-2003, 07:18 PM
Interesting rumor about Venom from Bnet - by BigGrim - 08-03-2003, 03:06 AM

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