07-31-2003, 11:58 AM
Quote:Strafe, like Fury, Zeal, Fend, Jab, and Dragon Talon all belong to a class of skills that launch multiple auto-targeting attacks at a click.
So what is the exact formula to derive the frames/second from the base speed (I think Zen's tables only posts the results?)
Also, how about the formulas for Zeal, Fend, Fury and Dragon Talon? Which level of IAS is needed to achieve a certain IAS (I prefer the formulas rather than tables so I can try computing by myself and also to get an idea of how it works)
Also, is the weapon speed description (in-game, it says "fast" or "very fast" or "slow", etc.) related to the actual frames/second derived from the above formulas? (of course, anything faster than "very fast" would still be "very fast" and anything slower than "very slow" is still listed as "very slow")