Hellfire Patch v1.02.A5: Classic HF with less bugs and more polish!
Thank you for the kind words, Predator (yet again) and Deathrizes. It really is great to know the months I spent dissecting Hellfire enabled people to enjoy it more over the years.

As for this project, its goal was to improve the original Hellfire experience and add a few extras without straying from the spirit or balance of the original game. But the method of editing executable code is painstakingly tedious and time-consuming. If I ever find significant time to work on Diablo again, Devilution will be far easier to work with, so I'd likely start over from scratch there.

That makes this project basically _obsolete_, so I intend no further updates. I don't feel sad about this at all, since the effort superseding should achieve the same goals and open up many years of better support for modern operating systems and all kinds of amazing mods.

I'll be reviewing my old notes about bugs and unimplemented features and offer whatever I can to the Devilution team. Yesterday I reached out to the Devilution team members (all of whom seem quite nice) that contacted me here on the Lounge, and hopefully - whether I myself can contribute anything or not - it will soon produce the most bug free and smooth Hellfire (and classic Diablo) experience available since release. Smile

That said, while I did try to keep my additions within the spirit and balance of the original game, some of the changes I made here don't really belong in a technical recreation of the original gameplay, and others might be in a gray area. These things might end up in the hands of other modders exploring the many new possibilities of Devilution, and have much more free time left to tinker with Diablo than I do. But if I find someone interested in some of my ideas for adding improvements and features in their mod, I'll pass both some of what I did here and some of what I never implemented their way for consideration. As always, if someone is reading this, feel free to use or toss any ideas or changes I did here. Make it your own and make your own awesome version of Diablo.

I'm going to leave a note on the original post in this thread recommending that new and returning visitors should check out DevilutionX before trying to use this mod.

It's been fun everyone. I'll try to check in once in awhile until I forget I even have an account here, but there's probably not much left to say. For lack of any better ideas, I'll just leave an inspirational quote here.

"Find what drives you to awaken each dawn, and pursue it relentlessly. Only then will you find true happiness."

Messages In This Thread
A5 progress update - by Belix - 02-02-2015, 09:28 AM
RE: Hellfire Patch v1.02.A5: Classic HF with less bugs and more polish! - by Belix - 04-07-2021, 05:48 PM

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