Pardon my ignorance again, I often see mention of amazon bow speeds expressed in the form of 2 numbers (fraction?). I recall reading before that it relates to the strafe speed or something.
What exactly does the first number and second number tell? Can someone explain it in more detail why they're trying to reach those fast speeds, sometimes at the cost of other item equipment slots just to gain more speed. And does fast speed (but possibly lower-dmg bow) make up for it?
Another thing, I always have this notion regarding bow speeds. I wonder if it's still correct. That is: there are basically 3 bow types speeds --> -10, 0 and 10 (e.g. composite bow, short war bow, long war bow). Of course there's the oddball short bow which is 5 but just disregard it for now.
If a short war bow has 10% IAS on the bow itself ("of readiness"), would that make it equivalent in speed to the composite bow in all respects (to speed)? What about a long war bow with 20% IAS, does that not make it the equivalent of composite bow in speed? Or is there some other IAS calculation that might make the above results close but not truly equivalent?
What if the % IAS is on another item like gloves? Eg. normal short war bow and 10% IAS gloves --> is the amazon with this as fast as one with composite bow but no IAS gloves?
What exactly does the first number and second number tell? Can someone explain it in more detail why they're trying to reach those fast speeds, sometimes at the cost of other item equipment slots just to gain more speed. And does fast speed (but possibly lower-dmg bow) make up for it?
Another thing, I always have this notion regarding bow speeds. I wonder if it's still correct. That is: there are basically 3 bow types speeds --> -10, 0 and 10 (e.g. composite bow, short war bow, long war bow). Of course there's the oddball short bow which is 5 but just disregard it for now.
If a short war bow has 10% IAS on the bow itself ("of readiness"), would that make it equivalent in speed to the composite bow in all respects (to speed)? What about a long war bow with 20% IAS, does that not make it the equivalent of composite bow in speed? Or is there some other IAS calculation that might make the above results close but not truly equivalent?
What if the % IAS is on another item like gloves? Eg. normal short war bow and 10% IAS gloves --> is the amazon with this as fast as one with composite bow but no IAS gloves?