Why Dex-based classes are terrible.
I'd say Hell feels about right, challenge-wise. Yes, it's like Normal all over again where the gear you bring in has no chance of being the gear you wear at the end of it (perhaps excepting jewels, which have no inherent armour or damage value to fall behind on...although you will probably still be hunting for +damage/armour/resist all jewels) and yes, sometimes you will land an unplayable pack. But that's a fairly rare event. I've only come across two so far: I got stairtrapped by Horde/Fast/Arcane Enchanted, which was just no chance, and I ran across an Illusionist/Teleport/Fire Chains bat pack that would have been a reset if it had been a stair trap. I had kiting room and Teleport-Fracture, and even then I spent a lot of time being chained at first by the sheer number of chains between all the eratically moving bats.

So basically, the ones that multiply the numbers in the encounter are the most dangerous ones - so far, anyhow. Haven't run into Invulnerable Minions yet, and not looking forward to it.

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RE: Why Dex-based classes are terrible. - by ViralSpiral - 07-01-2012, 04:18 AM

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