Why Dex-based classes are terrible.
But see, they'd have more mitigation if they had more str/int. That's my entire point is they have no stat mitigation. Your point is they have no skill mitigation. The end result is they just don't mitigate at all. But yes, int gives a kind of raw deal compared to items, but then everything is a raw deal compared to resist all, but they couldn't have made int better than resist all or we'd all need it, too.

Although I do admit I like that every stat has some kind of use to every class, even if it's a small effect. I know every time I see "dodged!" I give thanks to whatever dex is on my gear. Goodness knows my base amount is crap. :op

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RE: Why Dex-based classes are terrible. - by ViralSpiral - 06-30-2012, 09:13 PM

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