Trying to find a new home. Frag said I might be able to find one
This is a great attitude towards progression imo. I don't really obsess over gear, and anyone that knows me knows that I have extremely bad luck when it comes to drops, so, as you mentioned, I do the best I can with what I have. It is nice to hear that such an approach is welcomed.

Btw, mostly it is just V (vee), but at times I have had a pet named Eight (V-8) and Eleven (7-11). I know, I am really cool like that. B) The idea is that if you make up a long name, most people just abbreviate it anyways, so I figured I would save them the effort. I have toons like Zii, Oii, Viiz, Viim, Viik, Ziim, etc...

Sure, gear makes taking down bosses a bit easier, but I have found that most fights are more about coordination, teamwork and knowing your role, regardless of your gear. Basically, I am agreeing with your wall o text.

Ziig (Warrior) - Ako (Hunter) - Amo (Paladin) - Ziade (Monk) - Ziag (DK)

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Trying to find a new home. Frag said I might be able to find one - by Ziig - 09-16-2008, 05:58 PM

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