Quote:The only thing that the Dems have stated about the whole terrorist/war issue regarding Republicans is your 3rd point about being stuck in Iraq. I haven't seen anything about your first 2 points being used by the Democrats. You can say a lot about both parties but one thing is certain: The Republicans are tougher on the whole terror issue than the Democrats. They take it more seriously or whatever else you want to call it. Call it using the terror card or whatever else but the fact remains that they are tougher. To deny that is just dishonest. So, while your first post *was* good, as was already pointed out above, I think it was simply wrong.
Ashock, I respect you as a poster on the lounge (and will continue to after this post). But I'm really surprised by your response here.
There was plenty of propaganda in the 2006 election by Dems about Republicans being too 'focused on Iraq' and not on the real sources of terror, Al Qaeda in the -stans, and homeland security. If the senators and reps in your area didn't resort to these tactics, than I do think that is great. But I do know what I read, what kept me troubled the night before the elections, and kept me uncertain up until voting day in the booth.
Charlie Bass was bounced from the House after serving as a 6 term veteran. I truly believed he stood for the best interests of NH first, and partisan politics second. He was beat out in 2006 by Paul Hodes, after the national Democratic party pumped tons of money into his campaign. This campaign was more of a smear-fest of Charlie Bass, something at least in this case he really didn't deserve. The 'failings' of Bass included arguments about the republicans failure on the war on terror at home.
Look, I know my posts have come off with a republican lean. That's not an excuse for their actions. But I do think a lot of people have decided the liberals are the 'good guys' and the republicans the 'fear mongering bad guys'. And the problem is I don't see it that way. It's muddled and both parties are doing their part to continue the culture of fear - whether or not it was the republicans who created the fear about terrorism. If the democrats were concerned in stopping the culture of fear, I do believe they'd be calling out the republican fear mongering directly. Things like the 'terrorism color scale' are fear mongering personified, tied in a neat little bow, and delivered to the citizens of the US. Instead of calling for an end of overblown worries, I hear new solutions to the problem. The problem is that their solutions still treat the terrorism-problem like a dire gaping hole that needs to fixed.
There may be a hole in the dike that needs plugging. But there are also a lot of other holes letting in water. But both sides are too busy yelling the sky is falling over one or two topics (terrorism and Iraq), while ignoring the other ones. And that, like it or not, is continuing fear-mongering.