Quote:Sigh... I'm not getting back into this.
Ok, I lied.
Warriors offer NO other utility in a raid besides tanking. Druids and Pallies do. I think Druids and Pallies specced for tanking should be close, but not equal to, a Prot specced Warrior. Druids/Paladins should be fully able to tank raid bosses, just not as well as a Prot Warrior. Thus, Prot Warriors will be wanted but not required.
Relative advantage in different fights.
Would you be happy with Prot Warriors being the #1 tank on 30% of fights, other Warrior specs top on 10%, Feral Druids and Prot paladins preferred on 20% and other classes taking up the last 20%? Or do you want Prot to be the best on every fight?
Also.. as I've said before, I felt my Prot warrior still pulled his weight when not tanking.