07-18-2006, 10:36 PM
Quote:Qlvl and ilvl are NOT the same thing!
Qlvl is the level of the item itself, or the level of it's affixes. Ilvl is the level of the source of the item, ie. the monster that dropped it, the chest it was in, your character level when shopping, etc.
I wrote this on item generation at Griswold a while ago. It might help.
Hey, that's a pretty handy little writeup. Have to be careful with this inverse of integer division though... the rounding issue can be pretty significant if we were looking at lower end items. Although not many people are interested in lower end items.
Quote:Oh, and monster generation is even easier to figure out with LICK.;)
Sure, but what fun is math if there is no challenge or risk of <strike>dying</strike> screwing things up? :P:blink: