04-15-2006, 05:51 AM
Force,Apr 14 2006, 10:33 PM Wrote:I just want Blizzard to make a patch to eliminate dupin (period), make hackin somehow a lot more harder (or better yet, impossible, although I doubt this can be possible), and make the Lightforge (for some reason, this mace looks interestin to me) a possible item drop (although it should be rare) in multiplayer. It can drop on rare occasioans in single player, but it morphs into another item when you start a new game; Blizzard should fix that, too. Also, it would be interestin if they actually added one new monster each in the Church, Cats, Caves and Hell from some of the unused monster files.
1) Make acquirable uniques not morph
2) Fix monster stat bugs(diablo's hit%, super uniques not gaining item levels for nightmare and hell, Flayed one's getting the strong secondary attack, and toad demons getting the same as overlords and mud demons, etc)
3) Add Quest Unique monsters into multiplayer, maybe even with a small chance of dropping their associated quest item?
4) Manual screen text clearing option
5) Hitting/Getting Hit PvP synchronized
6) Occasional resynchronization of other people on your screen(every time they take a step maybe?)
7) Input validation from Bnet(as simple as preventing corrupted data, killing people with heal other or ressurect, & editing other people, or as complex as preventing impossible damage levels and the like)
8) A way to reverse or nullify black death max hp damage
9) Balance warriors and rogues with sorcerers(maybe just give them a doubled bonus to HP from vitality?)
10) Remove or provide a way to nullify those stinkin ornate, sacred, and fascinating shrines(Along with #8, maybe add a shrine(s) that resets max mp &/or hp?)!