What is a "world drop" and other questions...
Jarulf,Mar 13 2006, 11:34 AM Wrote:Leaving items aside, is there some good guide about how the game really works?

On this front, this URL may be helpful:

Many of the game mechanics are now known, but many are also unknown, or we only have a rough idea. I think this is because unlike Diablo 1/2, many of the formulas only reside on the server and we are not made privy to them.

For example we know how melee crit chance works and is calculated, since there is an indicator of your crit rate in the spellbook. But until recently all we knew about spell crit chance was that more intellect = more spell crits. Blizzards has since shed a little light on that formula, but many are still unknown.

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What is a "world drop" and other questions... - by Xanthix - 03-13-2006, 07:05 PM

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