I saw X-Men 2 today...
Actually, the claws were artificial, but his body adapted and bone grew with the adamantium somehow.

And yea, Magneto ripped out Wolverine's adamantium, but he got it back.
Is grace enough to build a bridge once burned, to fill that which is hollow with the substance of virtue,
Though the wings of a dove have wiped a tear from my eye, my tongue has fanned the flames of transgression,
But love suffers long and rejoices in truth, and this imperfect creation is striving none the less for that which is eternal...

- Hopesfall - The Broken Heart Of A Traitor
Dani,May 8 2003, 01:15 AM Wrote:Phalanx was about the Techno Organic beings/virus, which started with the introduction of Warmachine and Warlocke in the early days of the New Mutants comic book.
The other virus was (is?) the Legacy Virus.
The Legacy Virus!!! :lol:
That's the name I failed to remember!

Quote:My interest in Xmen ended with Uncanny Xmen 252, the issue where Psylocke (pre-ninja) persuades the Xmen to escape into the Siege Perilous while being under attack from the Reavers. After that IMO Jim Lee etc. (aka. the Image guys) replaced substance and story with flash and frankly, porn-lite for the kids; and Marvel really cranked up the number of titles.

The only decent storyline after 252 was the Age of Apocalypse.

I agree on all three counts. :(

On "porn lite" the Xterminators got even worse by the looks of things. Some time after I stopped collecting I picked a new issue off the shelf and opened it up. I recall the first page had a full page image of Cannonball striking a heroic pose (complete with fists on hips) and Boomer draped off one shoulder doing a pouty playboy model impression. <_< I closed the abomination and put it straight back on the shelf.

Quote:Still occasionally go and read synapsee of the books from fansites though. Nostalgia thing probably.

You do? Why bother?
In my own case I persisted for a while in the hope that the series might have reclaimed its former glory, but no. It lasted a while in a semi-palatable state and then went downhill from there.
Heed the Song of Battle and Unsheath the Blades of War
Quote:I don't remember Toad having that ability. I thought that was Worm's (the Genosha guy) power. In the comics Toad always seemed like the little dork let into the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants just so the other could pick on him. He even wore that little court jester getup...

Not saying this "proves" anything, but that site has always been reliable before.

Quote:Mutant 143 was Jason Stryker, Stryker's son. My friend led me to believe that he could be Proteus, and he's a huge X-Men fan.

Well, it couldn't have been Proteus since Proteus's actual name was on Stryker's computer... and it wasn't Jason Stryker :)

My interpretation of it has been that Jason Stryker was meant to be Mastermind (or at least something similar to him). That way, with a Mastermind-like character they can mimic the whole Phoenix/Dark Phoenix plot much more closely.

I would rather be ashes than dust! I would rather that my spark should burn out in a brilliant blaze than it should be stifled by dry rot. I would rather be a superb meteor, every atom of me in magnificent glow, than a sleepy and permanent planet. The proper function of man is to live, not to exist. I shall not waste my days in trying to prolong them. I shall use my time.
Jack London
WarBlade,May 7 2003, 07:47 PM Wrote:You do? Why bother?
In my own case I persisted for a while in the hope that the series might have reclaimed its former glory, but no. It lasted a while in a semi-palatable state and then went downhill from there.
As I said, probably nostalgia. Same reason I sometimes listen to the Doors or watch Star Wars for the nth time. But yeah, it's a once or twice per year thing, nothing regular.
How, EXACTLY, was Jason able to maintain his psionic illusion over Xavier when Xavier was mentally killing every mutant on the face of the earth? Every last lovin' one of them was on the ground, clutching their head and wailing pitifully... except for Jason. After all that prompting to "Find them all... Find them all", he misses the very person he just had a confrontation with? Little bit of a stretch to me.

Which brings up ANOTHER point to ponder: If Xavier is able to do THAT kind of damage with Cerebro WITH the mind-harness on (remember that? Was the only reason why Jason could maintain control, etc etc), what could he be capable of without that burden?


I'm debating the realism of a comic book that's been adapted into a movie. Christ... I need to get out more.
Garnered Wisdom --

If it has more than four legs, kill it immediately.
Never hesitate to put another bullet into the skull of the movie's main villain; it'll save time on the denouement.
Eight hours per day of children's TV programming can reduce a grown man to tears -- PM me for details.
Well, Xavier didn't have the mind harness on while using Cerebro.

What I didn't understand is how William Stryker knew that it wasn't really Wolverine that had come to the door.

Also, how did Stryker control his son? Jason was the source of the mind-control liquid stuff, I wouldn't think it would work on him...

Oh, and I made a mistake, Wolverine DID have claws before he had adamantium put on his bones. The claws were just made from bone as well.
Is grace enough to build a bridge once burned, to fill that which is hollow with the substance of virtue,
Though the wings of a dove have wiped a tear from my eye, my tongue has fanned the flames of transgression,
But love suffers long and rejoices in truth, and this imperfect creation is striving none the less for that which is eternal...

- Hopesfall - The Broken Heart Of A Traitor
WarBlade,May 7 2003, 10:47 AM Wrote:[QUOTE=Dani,May 8 2003, 01:15 AM]
Quote:My interest in Xmen ended with Uncanny Xmen 252, the issue where Psylocke (pre-ninja) persuades the Xmen to escape into the Siege Perilous while being under attack from the Reavers. After that IMO Jim Lee etc. (aka. the Image guys) replaced substance and story with flash and frankly, porn-lite for the kids; and Marvel really cranked up the number of titles.

The only decent storyline after 252 was the Age of Apocalypse.

I agree on all three counts. :(
As do I. As soon as Gambit and Jubilee became popular characters, Psylocke was turned into a Wolverine clone, and Rogue was kissing Magneto, I knew all of the X-books were going to hell in a handbasket. Coincidentally, I had to sell all of my comics right around that time to fix my car, and after such a setback, I stopped collecting them entirely.

Every now and then I go into the comic store or read some online summaries, and I cannot believe the crap that passes for storylines these days. On the trips to the store, I flip through the comics and usually see that 10 out of the 25 or so pages are two page spreads of people in dramatic poses. Pre-"Image Era", I don't think I ever saw that kind of crap.

As for Gambit, I can see why people might like him because of his "style", but why on Earth does ANYONE like Jubilee? She has a stupid name, an annoying personality, and stupid powers. I rolled my eyes when I heard her name called in the movie.

The comics are getting really good. DC and Marvel buried the hatchet, and now have more crossovers (Perez is doing JLA/Avengers, fanboy heaven right there, Thor vs Hulk, Cap vs Batman, etc), and most of the old writers are being lured back. Lee, Liefied, Smith, are all working for both DC and Marvel IIRC. Magneto is dead, Sentinels are running amok, and all sorts of fun hell is breaking loose last I checked.

Cable is the son of Scott Summers (Cyclops) and Jean Grey (Phoenix). He is THE most powerful telepath in the Marvel Universe, except most of his power is used to hold off the virus inside of him. He is also from the future, so you really cant do that.

I want Gambit personally, but I want a GOOD phoenix saga. Probably not Shi'ar but Sentinels instead.
Cybit,May 9 2003, 07:01 AM Wrote:Lee, Liefied, Smith
Jim Lee, Rob Liefeld, etc. were exactly the people who ruined the Xbooks in the first place.
The movie was great.

I just have a question, does anyone know what song it was playing in the beginning when Nightcrawler was doing his attack? It sounded very familiar, but I just can't remember what it is exactly.

Any help is greatly appreciated.
"Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellem"
[Image: Ax.gif]
Cybit,May 8 2003, 10:01 PM Wrote:Actually...

The comics are getting really good.&nbsp; DC and Marvel buried the hatchet, and now have more crossovers (Perez is doing JLA/Avengers, fanboy heaven right there, Thor vs Hulk, Cap vs Batman, etc), and most of the old writers are being lured back.&nbsp; Lee, Liefied, Smith, are all working for both DC and Marvel IIRC.&nbsp; Magneto is dead, Sentinels are running amok, and all sorts of fun hell is breaking loose last I checked.&nbsp;
This is exactly the kind of garbage I am talking about.

DC/Marvel crossovers? Yuck. I really don't need to pick up an X-men comic and have Storm mention "that time we fought Bizarro". Heroes fighting each other is even worse, because it usually implies crappy writing that prevents them from figuring out that they shouldn't be fighting at all.

Also, Liefeld needs to be shot. I had enough of his squinting characters, 2 page spreads with no content, and helmeted bad guys from his run on the New Mutants.
actual wolverine claws was formed i was readinga comici book when he started to remeber the weapon x memories and he remeber when they first pumped him with the metal they said

quote: there seems to be a build up in his forearms sir

, bells and alarms go off when he is released with the containment suit helmut and a harness to keep him pumped full of drugs so he will do what they say. cut to the next scene he fights his ex partner sabertooth

wolverine goes beserk when he sees his future gf the indian woman get killed by sabertooth white feather i believe it was been way to long since i read comics,

man in the lab while trying his new augmented exoskeleton to there shock and wolverines he pops his claws for the first time this sends him into a rage again, the response fron the head scientists was

shut down it down he cuting thru the doors!!!

to there amazment he has claws that was the reason for the build up in the forarms

the claws was always there he just never used them they only thought he had mutant healing while inturn he had bone claws that was found out after he pop his claws after magneto tooks his metal thru logns pores

when the reavers captured wolverine and killed the guy whose skin was adamantium grafted to him cyber i believe they used metal bugs to eat away the flesh from the insides to take it and give it to logan,

while in the tube he some hows pisionic wills his body to shoot out the adamantium from his body

and low and be hold logans is hunted by the remaining reavers as they tried to raise apacolypse {hologram cover of the comic has 2 of them} he kills them one by one in the rooms with all the coffins on top of apocs coffin is wolverine with his new found out bone claws and goes after perice and you hear the screams, after that logan open the coffin and its empty

so to say wolverine claws was artifical was wrong they was always bone the metal coated them
[Image: chandelier.gif]
[Image: greyson.jpg]
[Image: demtorch.gif]
"Also, how did Stryker control his son? Jason was the source of the mind-control liquid stuff, I wouldn't think it would work on him..."

Notice the lobotomy-esque scars on the side of his head? I think the idea is that he was surgically reduced to a mental infant so that he could be controlled for his powers by his father, to whom he was trained to respond. I don't think the implication was that his own secretions were being used on him.

Nicodemus Phaulkon,May 5 2003, 05:45 PM Wrote:34 years old... and I'm still buying comic books.&nbsp; God help me.&nbsp; :huh:
...And god said to gabriel, go forth and smite the evil 34 year old comic book purchasers, and the land turned red...

Ummm, what's wrong with buying comic books at 34?
unless,May 5 2003, 04:24 PM Wrote:One little point that stood out to me: none of the "good guys" (cyclops, storm, etc.) killed ANYone, while Magneto and Mystique were pretty indiscriminate.
... didn't storm kill the pilot of the first fighter jet???
whyBish,May 11 2003, 05:31 AM Wrote:... didn't storm kill the pilot of the first fighter jet???
It's been a week or so since I saw it, so my memory might be fuzzy, but I thought I saw the first pilot eject just before a tornado came down right in front of it.
Don't worry. You won't feel a thing...until I jam this down your throat!
-Dr. Nick Riviera

Have you read the FAQ, Etiquette, or the Rules yet?
... funniest moment for me was after the movie when my 8 year old cousin said they should've put gambit in because he could turn a car into a bomb and blow up buildings... I don't think the U.S. is quite ready for that 'superpower' ;)
Due to not having an allowance as a kid, I have no idea who these older X-Men characters were. My introduction to them was the TV cartoon, which I've told is only partially faithful to the X-Men storyline.

One thing I can't stand about the really big-name comic books (X-Men, Superman, Spiderman, Batman, etc., etc.) is the fact that so many hundreds of issues have passed without my getting a chance to read them, that it's almost impossible to get INTO them. =\ Back issues (especially the oldest ones) are expensive, and without them I won't have the needed background. I'm one of those people who will refuse to read a cool book if it's the second in a series; I'll wait and wait until book one is available before I open the cover of book two. Trouble with comics is, book two is everywhere and it looks REALLY cool, but there's no way to get all of book one.

The comic I like most is the Marvel Transformers comic, partially because I'm a Transformers nut, and partially because I started collecting it when it came out, so I have most of the older issues. ^_^ Plus, they're printing compilations, w00t!

Now, if they were willing to print compilations of the first 100 X-Men issues or so, I might be interested.


P.S. Back on topic, I saw X1 and it was an ok flick, don't know if I'll see X2.

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WarBlade,May 7 2003, 09:18 AM Wrote:As to speculations of it --Edit: Jean Grey's power increase-- being triggered by Cerebro, yeah I can go along with that and I'll also point out Magneto's genetic mutator doohicky could be a contender and perhaps even a combination of effects from both gadgets. ;)
Yes, I'm quoting myself. Yes, this thread is aging.

But I have something to add. Rather unimportant but . . . I was right. :P

Last night I got really in the mood to watch a movie and with nothing on TV, plus (having already seen the bulk of my DVDs very recently) I got to thinking and a nagging memory of a mention about DVD commentries in the Matrix thread had me looking back at the DVDs again. I couldn't remember listening to the X-Men commentry, so that's exactly what I went and did.

Bear in mind this particular DVD version is titled "X-Men 1.5" and is a fairly recent release carrying some material recorded while X2 was being made. The commentry itself was recorded 4 months into the X2 shoot.

The "something to add" is a snippet from Brian Singer delivered during one of X-Men's deleted scenes referring to a later scene that did make the cut. When the X gang (minus Wolvie) are in the Statue of Liberty's head and Cyclops blasts Magneto's gizmo up in the hand, the blue/white gene munching energy field then dissipates. The very next shot takes in the trio in the statue head and in the foreground is Jean Grey. The first think she does is look down at her own body with a slightly puzzled expression.

I was right, as it turns out, and Singer actually states it in the commentry: Jean Grey's amplified power in X2 is a direct result of Magneto's doohicky. :D

Heed the Song of Battle and Unsheath the Blades of War

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