Looking for 1.10 vengeance build ideas
Hello, i was looking for vengeance ideas in 1.10, as you can approach it from a lot of angles. And ive heard something about that the individual resist aura's have been changed to give a larger bonus to their respective element, instead of a smaller bonus to all. Can anyone verify this?

Ive heard a good starter might be 1 point in vengeance, and maxed conviction. Negating the need for AR, and Vengeance will be relatively cheap to use, compared to its obscene cost at higher levels of skill.
I'd also like to know the answer to this question...as I've only just started my vengance pally build on the HC 1.10 ladder...

From the newly updated Arreat Summit skill page:

Every skill pt added to vengance, adds an extra 6% to the "Elem Damage +%"

and every skill point added to a vengance synergy...

Vengeance Receives Bonuses From
Resist Fire: +10% Elemental Damage Per Level
Resist Cold: +10% Elemental Damage Per Level
Resist Lightning: +10% Elemental Damage Per Level
Salvation: +2% Elemental Damage Per Level

Just from reading that, I would guess that each point in a Resist XXXX skill, would add 10% to the total vengance elemental damage mod....

so, if you have skill lvl 1 vengance, and skill lvl 1 resist fire....

a vengnace attack would add 80% fire, 80% cold, and 80% lightning damage to your attack.

If instead, the synergies were written like this:

Vengeance Receives Bonuses From
Resist Fire: +10% Fire Damage Per Level
Resist Cold: +10% Cold Damage Per Level
Resist Lightning: +10% Lightning Damage Per Level
Salvation: +2% Elemental Damage Per Level

Then a vengance attack would add 80% fire, 70% cold, and 70% lightning damage to your attack.

I HOPE it is the former case rather than the latter....

If you look at the #s though...it looks like investing in the cold, fire and lightning resists (skills which were almost always completely skipped before) is much much better than investing in salvation, or even in vengance itself (so long as you can solve the AR problem w/ conviction or other means)....

#s summary:

Former assumption - Resist C/F/L: 1 skill point yields +10% to F/C/L, for a total of +30%
Latter assumption - Resist C/F/L: 1 skill point yields +10% to either F, C, or L, for a total of +10%
Salvation: 1 skill point yields +2% to F/C/L, for a total of +6%
Vengance: 1 skill point yields +6% to F/C/L, for a total of +18%

Anyways...my pals only lvl 15 ATM...if we don't get any answers soon, I'll be able to test this once I get vengance...since i've already put 1 point in each of the 1 res skills...

- Guen
Everyone can tell you the Sheer Damage route.

I saw one guy go with Prayer 20, Meditation 5, Vengeance 20 (For the AR) and the rest into Resists. Most people seem to enjoy his presence, and I know I certainly do. His reason? "I always hated the swirly green cloud. Made me think the monsters had all wet themselves."
Per Adamantine's post in the 1.10 vs 1.10s thread:

"* The Paladin's individual resist auras now has 1% per real skillpoint to max resist, and passive bonus of 1% per every other skillpoint (so 20 in Resist Lightning would boost your max lightning resist to 85, and 95 when you have the aura activated).

* Vengeance's +10% resist synergies(Resist Lightning/Cold/Fire) changed from +6% all, to +10% to the single one. A 45% reduction.

Salvation synergy reduced to +2% to all."

If this is true, the resist skill synergies w/ vengance might not be the way to go (until after vengance is maxed at least)....

Adamantine, if you stop by, mind posting where you got this info? (straight from the code i'm guessing :(...)
Quote:Vengeance Receives Bonuses From
Resist Fire: +10% Fire Damage Per Level
Resist Cold: +10% Cold Damage Per Level
Resist Lightning: +10% Lightning Damage Per Level
Salvation: +2% Elemental Damage Per Level

That's exactly what it says in-game. The AS is wrong, I think.

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