Beware the item cleanup...
I got up to make a sandwich, and I was low on inventory space so I had left a couple magic items lying in town, and the item clean up routine ate them faster than I could finish my sandwich, even though my char was standing right on top of them.
Just a bit of a warning. :(
Whites went in 5 in the beta, magic in 15, rares/set/unique took half an hour or an hour. I -never- lost a rare or unique in the beta, other than Khalim's bodyparts, which forced me to redo the quest once ><

Very, really lame change. Destroys the item pooling of the amazon basin and cuts the nuts off single player characters.

At least you can use user swapping in xp to mule, if you have the computer.
Dark_Mutterings (Necromancer)
Doug_Winger (Wearbear)
Heroic career and 1.10 aspirations cut tragically short because NOBODY CAN DO ANYTHING WITH A 22.2K CONNECTION WHY DOES GOD HATE ME.
I lost mavinas belt during a muling session yesterday. Not a big loss but it certainly grabbed my attention. Also some grandmasters partizan of something-or-other which i've been grooming a merc for.

Heh, sounds like the days of Lurker games with piles of items are truly gone, then. We used to have a pile of rares, a pile of uniques, another of sets, and a final one of good magical items. Every trip to town from wherever we were, just drop the items in their rightful piles and we'll divy up the loot at the end of the game.

Grrr.... now I'm getting the urge to reinstall D2.
See you in Town,
Quote: Grrr.... now I'm getting the urge to reinstall D2.

I already did...
Zarathustra,Nov 3 2003, 07:05 PM Wrote:Grrr.... now I'm getting the urge to reinstall D2.
You ain't the only one, Z. Dammit, I should stop reading 1.10 reports and go back to this BG2 beta mod I'm testing... people really play together nice on the ladder? ^_^
UPDATE: Spamblaster.
For the most part my ladder games have been enjoyable. There will always be those few who sour the experience. Usualy they are easy to spot though. They spam for people to give items, spam for help completeing other areas than the "group" is doing, and start name calling. The in-game squelch restores the feeling of well being and the party can move along in peace (much better group cooperation in 1.10, maybe it's all the die hards coming back for the patch and diluting the "1337 n00bs").

edit: proof read, proof again, then post.
The Bill of No Rights
The United States has become a place where entertainers and professional athletes are mistaken for people of importance. Robert A. Heinlein
Pren,Nov 1 2003, 09:21 PM Wrote:Very, really lame change. Destroys the item pooling of the amazon basin and cuts the nuts off single player characters.
Wait, what?

Single player? Now, I know I read about some sort of "item deletion" thing, off on those legendary realms, where people traded for mythical items and actually worked together (turned out be a horde of spammers and a bunch of random wankers for the most part, when I finally got a cable line). Where, supposedly, an item left to sit would eventually disappear. But in Single Player, I'd leave spare rejuvs, extra items, all kinds of crap just sitting there, never touched by a hand other than my own.

I'm going to have to be a sad panda if this affects single player.

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