Diablo v1.10 on disk...

The computer that I play 'Diablo2LOD' on is offline and I want to get the new v1.10 patch onto it. The file is to large for a floppy disk and networking the computers together is not an option. My question is: Is there any way I can seprerate the patch file into smaller files so that they will fit onto a floppy disk or save the patch on to several disks?

Thanks in advance!
diablo1ks,Nov 2 2003, 01:43 PM Wrote:Hi,

The computer that I play 'Diablo2LOD' on is offline and I want to get the new v1.10 patch onto it. The file is to large for a floppy disk and networking the computers together is not an option. My question is: Is there any way I can seprerate the patch file into smaller files so that they will fit onto a floppy disk or save the patch on to several disks?

Thanks in advance!
Yes. WinZip, WinRAR, WinACE, and most file archive products will do this easily.

Okay. Not easily.

In WinZip (Which is the only one I've attempted this in) right-click the file, WinZip>Add To ZIP... and then as the filename make sure you use make the target Zip as being on the A:\ drive (Anyone here with a B: drive? God, I thought I was old fashioned :) )

If you want to make it a self extracting Zip file, make the Zip as normal on your hard drive, then Make EXE in WinZip. Select either Safe Spanning Method or Old Spanning Method at some point during the process, and WinZip will automatically assume you want the end product on floppies.

Still, floppies are decidedly old fashioned these days :) (Pats 128MB Flash Drive)
When in mortal danger,
When beset by doubt,
Run in little circles,
Wave your arms and shout.

BattleTag: Schrau#2386
In my experience, WinRAR is the best tool for creating a spanned archive. When creating the new archive, there's a box for "Split to Volumes, bytes" that has a drop box with a default setting for floppies.
I'm assuming you can't get ahold of an external zip or maybe a cd burner... But if you can, either of those would work out great :D .

Hell, even if you have an internal one on another machine, it would be worth taking it out and sticking it on the machine with net access. Anything for LoD :lol:
Thanks for the help, but I'm afraid I'm still a little stuck!
Note - I have currently downloaded 'winzip 8.1'
I right click on the file...
Select 'winzip'...
Click 'add to Zip file...'
This is where I get a few options...
I save it as 'A:\Diablo 2 LOD v1.10.zip'
Action: Add (and replace) files
Compression: Normal
Multiple Disk Scanning: Automatic

I then go along with it all and by the time it has finished file is saved on to 4 floppy disks, I am a bit confused of what I am supposed to be doing now, please correct me.... :(
Open the first file(floppy) on the other computer, or it could be the last floppy, I think Winzip will tell you which it is anyway. ;) The rest should work out right.
Finally I can play Diablo! Thanks to all :D. Now back to the game, I have just started my new sorceress and I am planning to focus mostly on the lightning tree, here is a rough idea of how I plan on using my skill points:

20 - Lightning Mastery
20 - Thunder Storm
20 - Chain Lightning
5 - Teleport
5 - Warmth
(Not listing pre requirements)

My question is, would it be worth placing points into Lightning and Charged Bolt to make my Chain Lightning stronger, and which other fire or cold skill would you advise me to use for Lightning Immunes?
Hydra or FO are the only good skills without tons of points.

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