Hell hurts
In hell difficulty your resistances are taken down by 100 points, is this also true of merc and minion resist? Also, it seems that skills like revive and skeleton mastery give less benefits in harder difficulties, does anyone have the numbers for this? I've noticed that if I revive a monster in normal of nightmare my revive is much stronger than the other monsters (I have something like 30 in revive and skeleton mastery) but in hell they seem evenly paired. Does hell nerf the +damage and life?

While on the topic, if anyone has the information for everything that nightmare and hell take away that would be awesome.
You hireling's resistances are decreased, but your minions remain unaffected. Because elemental damage keep increasing, your minions will die faster, even though Summon Resist's bonus is unaffected.

I doubt hell difficulty nerfs +damage and +life on Revives, my Urdars and Moon Lords are tearing through everything. But they are backed up by Amplify Damage, Might and Blessed Aim :D But even without backup, they're still way stronger than the average monster, as they do more damage to enemies than, say, a confuzed monster attack his comrades.

As for general Nightmare and Hell changes:

- AI Curse duration cut by 50% in NM, and again by 50% in Hell. (Affects Dim Vision, Confuse, Attract and Terror)
- Chill and Freeze durations cut by 50% in NM, and again in Hell.
- Leech is reduced. I don't know the exact numbers.

And probably some other things which I can't think of right now.
The AS should mention this in the basics somewhere (most of it I think is right).

There are a lot of subtle changes though: monsters when chilled (hit by cold damage) aren't slowed down as much (depends on monster), leech is reduced per monster (all the way down to no leech at all for some creatures, ie non-flesh ones), they think more often (ladder games only), poison length is the same penalty as resists (so you need 175 to get 1/4 poison length)...And a lot more I can't think up.

What resists Mercs have is mentioned in the stat window about them, in this case yes they're affected by the resistance penalty (not sure on poison length one). Except for mercs and players though nothing else gets the resistance penalty. The penalty also doesn't effect physical resist (referred to as "damage" and the resistance as "%damage reduce") or magic resist, both of which aren't shown on the character screen.

For Necro pets I'm pretty sure all of them get their resistances from the Summon Resist skill. You can also hover over them (with Unsummon chosen) to see their description, and if they have 100+ resist it'll say they're immune to it. (should show for Fire Golems).

Skeletons get a bunch of bonuses (although small) from every single skillpoint, so more is never too much. With a couple points over 20 their bonuses pick up even more.

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