Hordric cube update?
Quote:1 Eld Rune + 1 Chipped Gem + Low Quality Weapon = Normal Quality Weapon of same type
ilvl = 1. That is, regardless of what the ilvl was beforehand, it will be set to 1.

Sombody, please, explain to me, bescides a lark, what use does this have?

Anything you find, broken, even broken etherial, if rerolled from this, wouldn't have any useful results, would it?
The fact that the ilvl is set to 1 is accidental. However, I provided this information to the AS because it is something you should know about the recipe, intentional or not.

The recipe could be useful for when you want to socket an item. There are recipes for adding sockets to items, but they only work on normal-quality, not low-quality. The ilvl = 1 could be a useful side-effect, since the maximum number of sockets is generally lower for that ilvl (and if you want a low number of sockets, that's good).

Personally, I haven't ever used the recipe. I'm not sure I will. However, it's certainly cheap enough, regardless of how much good it does or not.
I didn't know the author himself was on here to reply to my queries....

Thank you f or the repair + chip/flawed recipies, I was reluctant to use some of the charges on equipment because they cost so much to recharge... now with the recipie, i have new confidance.... (I sound like a deoderant add don't I?)
The wind has no destination.
I'm just a concerned reader who submitted a few hundred hundred AS bug reports for various pages there. So (in this case) you can thank me for telling GF about the missing repair/recharge recipes, but that's all I did.

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