Jewels +DEF and PUL rune in socketed armor
May be it was asked before, I couldn't search for the word PUL (4 letter limit on search)

Here goes:
I have Black Hades chaos armor with 3 sockets.
It has +180% defence now, ok.
Now, if I'm gonna put some PULs (+30% def) and/or +Defence (up to +64) jewels IN the armor itself (not anywhere else), would it have the same effect as if I put damage jewels in weapon? I.e. increasing BASE defence, not the +X%?

I'm a poor guy, I don't have pile of PULs to play with.
I also don't hack saved games and all this stuff for the reason that I'm lazy :D

Any info on this?

+% dam jewels don't enhance base damage like they did in the beta.

For +def I'd assume it works the same way (ie after +%def).
A +64 defense jewel will add exactly 64 to the defense of any armour.

Chaos armour with enhanced defense already on it will have a modified base of 343. The 30% from Pul would thus add about 102 defense.

If it's ethereal, the modified base defense will be 514, so the 30% from Pul would be about 154.

So, for the Black Hades, a Pul will always do more than a 64 jewel.

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