Knights of the Old Republic Appreciation Thread.
The Bastila Bug is the most famous of the game's bugs. I find it interested that they didn't fix it for the PC port - or was this from a console?

By the way, you cannot kill Griff while Mission is in your party. When you threaten to kill him in the Sand People camp, she states, "Hey now, I don't want him dead. Well, maybe I do, but couldn't we just let him sit here and think about things for a while?" You get no further option to whack him.

Hilariously, if Mission is NOT in your party, you can kill Griff - but later, when talking to Mission, she acts like you still haven't found him. I was hoping for a "hey, why'd you have to do that?" kind of response, but no dice.

Quote:Considering the mods here are generally liberals who seem to have a soft spot for fascism and white supremacy (despite them saying otherwise), me being perma-banned at some point is probably not out of the question.
This was from PC. I left the spoiler disclaimer on for show--just in case the odd newbie reads.

Hmm, Warlocke, have you done Juhani's sidequest yet? It involves a slaver. I need to reload that and see if I can push her... I made her do the "light" thing before (much to my consternation, just to see what would happen if I had her do the right thing). There were two distinctly seperate occasions to execute the slaver Juhani hates, one after letting the slaver go the first time-- a la Bastilia execution moment. The option to kill is always there.

If anyone needs to know, I activated the Juhani Sidequest on Korriban (after exiting the Ebon Hawk in the Landing bay, of course).
Quote:Hmm, Warlocke, have you done Juhani's sidequest yet?

Just the "good" way in my first (Light-side) game. My Dark-sider is on hold at the moment (as much because I nearly burnt out on KotOR as because I needed the HD space), but he hasn't triggered her quest. Juhani always seems to be the last character who has anything new to say; you can easily have 3 or 4 conversations with your romantic interest before she'll say anything new... <_<
[Image: 9426697EGZMV.png]
WarLocke,Jan 17 2004, 01:13 AM Wrote:Just the "good" way in my first (Light-side) game.
Juhani quest Dark Side isn't all that interesting. It would great if you could "turn" her, but you simply goad her into doing a Bad Thing™ and she regrets it afterward, no alignment change.

Second time through as a female character and I never activated the romantic quest. Dang, I wanted to see him, uh, meet his end - the details of how it happens is quite fun.

Playing as a mage-class is also pretty much what I expected - you're weak early-game due to lack of hit points, but in the late game it's an absolute massacre. With sickeningly high Wisdom and Charisma, I could walk into a room full of Dark Jedi and singlehandedly take them down without taking a scratch. Even Darth Malek could not get past my Plague + Throw Lightsaber combo, since he was too slow to get to me while I had Master Speed on. Easy kill. I ended up with close to 350 Force Points and could cast spells constantly. My melee chars did not have it nearly so easy in the end-game.

Quote:Considering the mods here are generally liberals who seem to have a soft spot for fascism and white supremacy (despite them saying otherwise), me being perma-banned at some point is probably not out of the question.
Need Force Breach Darth Malak on Hard / Difficult setting?

He constantly used Force Immunity in my game on the "Difficult" slider. . . and since I never bothered to learn force breach, that made thigns... difficult. Mage class is still nasty powerful. I could catch Malak without his immunity every so often---and the prototype verpine shield kept me near-invincible--along with the electrical capacitance belt. Ever so useful against Malak's predictable force lightning. I never thought of Plague Throw lightsaber... I must try that. I always went for Force Wave Stun / Stasis / Insanity + Scoundrel's sneak attack bonus damage option.

Too bad for story's sake it is impossible to kill Darth Malak or Calo Nord before their designated time. First encounter with Calo Nord, he counts 1, 2, 3... and my Scoundrel Sniper stun-locked him. Too bad he was invincible. Nasty. Same with Dark Malak and the Uber Mine stack trick. Sure, it can take down a giant Krayt Dragon... but Malak remains with 1 health.
Drasca,Jan 18 2004, 03:29 PM Wrote:Need Force Breach Darth Malak on Hard / Difficult setting?
Throw Lightsaber always hits. Nuttin he can do about it :) With the slow affects of Plague and the healing effects of the Jedi, it's easy if you're careful.

Quote:Considering the mods here are generally liberals who seem to have a soft spot for fascism and white supremacy (despite them saying otherwise), me being perma-banned at some point is probably not out of the question.
Classic thread, I bid you to rise!

There's some nice notes on KotOR2 (The Sith Lords) in the latest issues of Computer Gaming World and Electronic Gaming Monthly.

A few bits, for those who haven't been following:
* Xbox and PC, due Feb 2005 (tentative, but hitting for Episode III hype).
* Obsidian Entertainment developing; crewed by makers of Torment, Fallout, etc.
* Not a direct tie-in to the original, due to the flexible plot, but lots of carryover, and lots of customizability again.
* Plot heavily driven by player decisions.
* Darth Revan a mystery (purposefully), but heavily implied to be in.
* More upgradeable equipment, and downgradeable (break apart to scavenge for needed parts).
* T3-M4 returns. HK-47 probably does as well (my fave!).
* Six new prestige classes: Jedi Master (aka Yoda), Jedi Watchman (lone marshal over a planet or sector), Jedi Weapon Master (fanboy dream), Sith Lord (Sidious-like), Sith Marauder (Maul), and Sith Assassin (Mara Jade). Names for comparison only.
* New Force powers like Dark Sider Rage (Maul), Battle Meditation (Qui-Gon), Force Sight (see through walls and sense darkght auras), Force Clairvoyance (like Prince of Persia visions), etc.

If they manage to hit this one out of the park like Bioware did, I'm looking forward to one of the best console RPGs of all time.
I enjoyed KOTOR immensely, and I'm looking forward to this. I'll be keeping my eye out on for trailers and such. I'll let you know if I find any.
Ask me about Norwegian humour Smile

Thanks for the info!


Nuur (currently playing his sixth character through KotOR)
"I'm a cynical optimistic realist. I have hopes. I suspect they are all in vain. I find a lot of humor in that." -Pete

I'll remember you.

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