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Speaking of the vaccine, how do you start that quest if you're playing an arsehole? In my previous game it was as simple as asking the doc about it, but my dark consular doesn't ask questions - he just doesn't care. Am I going to have to go find it, and then just bring it to Zax, even though noone's mentioned it to me at all yet?
Some of the bad dialogue is cool... Talking to Dia you can say "I'm looking for stuff to steal, so sit down and shut up" (paraphrased, but that's basically what it was). Killing those drunks was also fun in a strange way. :o
Question: If you don't get invited to the Sith officer party, there's some troops interrogating an alien in the apartments (instead of the party). This is the first time I've gotten the uniform this way, but I couldn't seem to find a way to get dark side points out of it. Seemed like waiting around until they killed the alien, then provoking a fight might do, but no DSPs for me. :(
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"In my previous game it was as simple as asking the doc about it, but my dark consular doesn't ask questions - he just doesn't care. Am I going to have to go find it, and then just bring it to Zax, even though noone's mentioned it to me at all yet?"
That particular bit of roleplaying is going to cost you the majority of the quests in the game, unfortunately. My dark consular did the "Palpatine" shtick, where you act concerned in order to find some way to bend their troubles to your pleasure/advantage.
I don't think there's any way to get light or dark points from the Sith uniform quest no matter which way you do it.
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Well, I finally found something actually 'evil' to do on Taris; I betrayed Gadon Thek to the Black Vulkars and wiped out the Hidden Beks. That was a nice, huge brawl. :o
Everything else on Taris has been kind of bland, though. There doesn't seem to be too much difference between paying as a female goody-goody and a male jackass. I'm about to assault the Sith base with T3-M4, so I don't have too much left to do before I can start enjoying Dark Side force powers...
Question: Can Force Choke be used in dialogue? It would be neat to have a 'Vader Moment', heh. Actually, I have no idea what powers I should take with my Dark Consular. I'll end up with 17 powers total (13 levels + powers at 1, 5, 9, 13) but there are so many that sound so cool. Dominate Mind, Force Storm, Kill, Death Field, Insanity... the Light Side was easy compared to this (Force Wave, Master Speed, Force Immunity = Gold)!
I've also noted a few changes in the Difficult difficulty level (what a mouthful); for one thing, most enemies have better Dex bonuses (Sith Troopers have -4 on Normal, +1 on Difficult, and Rakghouls are unholy now). Also, I don't think I've ever seen an enemy use a medkit on Normal, but I see it fairly often in Difficult. They don't seem to get tons of extra Vitality though, nor does the game just throw extra opponents at you. It's a nice challenge, and not (usually) frustrating.
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Wow, new drivers really make a difference. :D
When I bought KotOR, I had a GeForce2 MX/MX400 (64mb PCI) and the 45.23 Detonator drivers. I had to turn off all the eye-candy and run it in 800x600 to get bearable performance (strangely, using either the Low or Medium texture packs didn't seem to change performance at all).
After I bought my GeForceFX 5200 (128mb AGP) and installed the drivers it came with, I was able to run the game with Frame Buffer Effects on and the High-detail texture pack. At 800x600 there was still some choppiness, but it was much better than before.
Then, the other day, I downloaded the newest nVidia drivers (53.03, released 12/09/03) and did the whole "uninstall old drivers, reboot, install new drivers" bit. Holy crud did those make a difference. I'm now running KotOR with:
High-Detail Texture Pack
Shadows / Soft Shadows
2x Anti-Aliasing
2x Anisotropic Filtering
Frame Buffer Effects
... And it runs smoothly! The only time I've noticed slowdowns is if I'm in an outdoor area (Taris Upper City, Dantooine Courtyard, and I bet the Kashyyyk Shadowlands will hurt) with lots of stuff going on (NPCs, dynamic shadows, grass waving, etc.), 2+ lightsabers swinging around, and 8+ Mandalorians firing blaster bolts everywhere. I'm still running it at 800x600, but that's more because the menu screens don't scale, and I think they look fugly all shrunk down.
My God, this game is gorgeous. :o
On the gameplay front, the Dark Side got a whole lot more fun on Dantooine. Being able to toss out Chokes and Force Lightning and Drain Health is almost enough in and of itself. But... you can now do some evil stuff. I got two families to kill each other! :ph34r: I'm sooo on my way to being Dark Lord of the Sith. B)
I did 'redeem' Juhani, but that was because the Council was breathing on my neck over these 'tests'. It'll be fun corrupting her. Muahaha...
Oh, and telling Bastila her face was "all screwed up like a kinrath pup" was priceless. She really is cute when she's embarrassed. :D
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Well, since this topic seems to be dead, this'll be the last time I post to it (although I may edit with pics for any who do read it, since I don't think edits bump the thread to the top).
I just want to say that the Dark Side is growing on me. Almost like a fungus. :D Some of the evil options are great (example: telling Tanis Venn that you'll sit and watch him die while sipping icewater :o )! And Dominate Mind is just pure sex ("You want to give me that wraid skullplate." OMG I totally ruined that woman's life :ph34r: ).
I didn't quite get Dark Side Mastery on Dantooine, but managed it quickly on Tatooine. My level 12 Consular now has 160 Force Points, and virtually never attacks with his lightsaber. Force Lightning, Choke, and Drain Health all work much better, for him at least.
I've also actually found a few spots where T3-M4 will interject in conversations; he has something to say if he's in the party when you talk to the woman looking for her droid on Dantooine (but not with the droid itself, strangely), as well as the encounter with Tanis Venn in the Dune Sea. He also chimes in if he's in the party when you talk to HK-47 before purchasing him.
And also, I found a little story that HK lovers might like. :lol:
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WarLocke,Dec 28 2003, 02:33 AM Wrote:I've also actually found a few spots where T3-M4 will interject in conversations; he has something to say if he's in the party when you talk to the woman looking for her droid on Dantooine (but not with the droid itself, strangely), as well as the encounter with Tanis Venn in the Dune Sea. He also chimes in if he's in the party when you talk to HK-47 before purchasing him. Wow, T3-M4 actually has lines? I've NEVER played that 'bot because it seemed so devoid of personality. I wonder if it has sidequests.
Welcome to the Dark Side, WarLocke. Enjoy your stay!
Quote:Considering the mods here are generally liberals who seem to have a soft spot for fascism and white supremacy (despite them saying otherwise), me being perma-banned at some point is probably not out of the question.
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Quote: Wow, T3-M4 actually has lines?
Well, if you consider "Beep-Bop-Beeple-Boop!" a line... :P
Everyone seems to be able to understand him, though. T3 and HK seem to have the whole R2/3PO dynamic going on, too.
I just murderized all the Sand People on Tatooine. I didn't bother talking to the cheiftain (since my Consular doesn't last long in melee at the Difficult setting, and starting the fight at the cheiftain would leave me surrounded), I just slogged through 'em as I came to them. Force Lightning pwns joo! B)
I've got something like 53 gaffi sticks to go turn in now. :lol:
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Make sure you have Mission in your party when you kill off her brother. I want to know what happens ;)
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I couldn't kill Griff. Or I couldn't figure out how to; there didn't seem to be any appropriate dialogue options.
Also, I guess you can't get the Dustil quest as a male. Carth's entry in my questlog moved to the Completed Quests section without him ever mentioning his wife or son (makes sense I guess, that's not something you really discuss with your male fighting buddies).
I also found out that if you complete the "Bastila's Mother" sidequest the 'bad' way (getting her to walk out without reconciling with her mother) her romance stops (or breaks, whatever). I had to break character for that little bit. <_<
I think I may have hit a bug or something. I've had 3 or 4 conversations with Juhani without her qust entry updating. I haven't gotten to the slavery dialogues (which are the important ones, that unlock her sidequest), but I'm pretty sure the Taris dialogues gave me updates in my other game. I wonder if me being the evil guy I am, I chose the 'wrong' options and broke her quest.
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WarLocke,Dec 28 2003, 05:23 PM Wrote:Also, I guess you can't get the Dustil quest as a male. Not true. I just finished a play through as a Light Side male, and I got the Dustil quest (but never completed it - I missed something I needed in the Sith Academy, I guess).
I'm playing through as a Dark Side female again, just to try out being a Jedi Consular. I'll be sure to try and kill Griff.
Quote:Considering the mods here are generally liberals who seem to have a soft spot for fascism and white supremacy (despite them saying otherwise), me being perma-banned at some point is probably not out of the question.
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Quote:I just finished a play through as a Light Side male, and I got the Dustil quest
Hrmm, I wonder if I was too harsh on Carth (and if that's even taken into account in the game - it seemed, at least, that unless you actually picked a "shut up and don't ever talk to me again" choice, the dialogues would go on no matter how mean you were). Ah well, me being evil this time I'd probably have just killed the kid anyway.
Quote:just to try out being a Jedi Consular.
Playing a Jedi-Mage is fun. :D You can deal straight damage (Force Lightning usually does 30+ damage for me - better than a lightsaber attack - and you can hit multiple targets with it), immobilize targets (Horror, keeps em occupied for 12 seconds, which IIRC is 4 combat rounds), immobilize and damage (Choke, only 6 seconds but does 2/3 your level in damage every 2 seconds), or suck them dry (Drain Life does 10-40 damage max and heals you for the same amount, can be resisted though).
Also, with Dark Side Mastery and the Force Sensitive Bonus feat, you'll have tons of power. Aiden Dral has something like 194 FPs now, and powers cost him 5 to 10 points to use. :lol:
And now, some pics (linked for ease of loading):
Here's my Bad Boy squad admiring the view.
Woot, Force Choke is a dialogue option!
HK-47 in a contemplative moment.
HK has TerminatorVision™!
I keep meaning to check and see if T3-M4 has SecuritycamVision™, but it keeps slipping my mind. D'oh!
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WarLocke,Dec 29 2003, 01:10 PM Wrote:HK has TerminatorVisionâ¢! Huh? Was this just a Photoshop job?
Quote:Considering the mods here are generally liberals who seem to have a soft spot for fascism and white supremacy (despite them saying otherwise), me being perma-banned at some point is probably not out of the question.
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Nope. I don't even have Photoshop, heh.
Pressing CapsLock ingame shifts you to a first-person view of the character you're currently controlling. You can spin in place and tilt the camera a bit (not much, maybe 30 degrees up and down), but you can't move in this mode. That screenshot is how HK's view looks normally. B) I've heard that T3 has a blue-tinted view (similar to the way it looks when you slice into security cameras, I guess), but I keep forgetting to check him.
For the XBox, the first-person toggle is the right thumbstick (pressing down on it), I think.
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I miss the "scanning target ... meatbag acquired! Locking on"-HUD ;)
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[wcip Wrote:Angel,Dec 29 2003, 11:37 PM] I miss the "scanning target ... meatbag acquired! Locking on"-HUD ;) And I thoroughly enjoyed the revelation of where "Meatbag" comes from - provides some nice levity in the game.
Quote:Considering the mods here are generally liberals who seem to have a soft spot for fascism and white supremacy (despite them saying otherwise), me being perma-banned at some point is probably not out of the question.
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12-31-2003, 12:14 AM
(This post was last modified: 12-31-2003, 12:14 AM by [wcip]Angel.)
Bolty,Dec 30 2003, 10:26 PM Wrote:And I thoroughly enjoyed the revelation of where "Meatbag" comes from - provides some nice levity in the game.
-Bolty Hehehe. Yeah, I remember I chuckled when I first heard Malak was the initial meatbag ;)
Kind of ironic, seeing as he turned out to be part machine ..
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01-10-2004, 02:02 AM
(This post was last modified: 01-10-2004, 04:23 AM by Drasca.)
Ok, Mission has the spunky little girl thing going, but she's a scoundrel. After force powers cause an immobile effect a la force wave, stasis, fear she gets sneak attack damage applied to every attack! No special control of Mission Vao required. Simply disgusting damage is done.
But a question: On Manaan, the current Swoop racer threatens you, does he ever live up to that threat? He never attacked me the first time through. I'd like to confront him this time. Does he ever battle? I never got to kill him. I'd like to do that sometime.
More: Jolee's sub-quest on Manaan to solve the murder. Is there Sith Evidence at all? There's mention of Sith Evidence being removed, but is there Sith spy involvement at all I can collect? I've interviewed the witnesses about the murder victum's weapon choice and backround. I don't see a good way out of this. I can prove him innocent... but the evidence I've gathered, and the following confession says otherwise.
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Spoilers ahead!
Spoiler still ahead!
Here it goes:
As the Light side, defeating Bastilia the second time (choosing Light Path on the Temple Roof-tops), the player gains the option of executing her. This option does not leave even as the player chooses to declare his love for Bastilia (Nope, sorry, no homosexuality in Star Wars. Female characters cannot kiss nor make love to Bastilia).
Once the option of Executing Bastilia is taken, a small FMV shows the player about to swing as Bastilia is in meditation pose on her knees for her to-be-executed viewing. The player and end events occur as if she dies. He swings the lightsabre, and the noise is made as the screen blacks out. Bastilia has disappeared, presumably dead. After defeating Malak, Carth comments on her death in the last dialogue.
In the final Medal of Honor ceremony, the scene plays as normal ending with Bastilia would... except she's not there next to you. In fact, as it plays it seems she's not there at all... except. Bastilia's still there! Only a little bit more over to the right! She's not dead! or has a pretty sister, twin and relative... but Bastilia doesn't. Bastilia is still alive!!!
All right, it may be argued the player's character cannot bring himself to kill Bastilia, but that would be a plothole-- because the player is given choice and unlike other non-choices, the game doesn't take over and explicitly say he cannot kill Bastilia. We are led to believe she's dead... while the ending erroneously shows Bastilia is still alive... even after being 'killed'! Executed really.
Bastilia isn't a ghost either. Need the blue-ish tint for that :P Bastilia's still alive! After abusing her emotions (for that game, I was mean and abusive to my party memebers while being a technical goody goody in status--cruel, no?) and "killing" her. Die Bastilia Die! You can't win in this game. Be overlord of the Sith empire, but with a crazy fanatical girlfriend more interested in power than you? Or, be a second rate sap who's whipped by the Republic and Jedi Council and whose girlfriend is likely going to be put on trial, lose, and mind-wiped. Where's my Twi'lek harem when I need one?
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Quote:Where's my Twi'lek harem when I need one?
I never really understood the whole Twi'lek appeal thing. Now, Wookiee babes... That's another story! ;)
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WarLocke,Jan 16 2004, 06:05 AM Wrote:I never really understood the whole Twi'lek appeal thing. Now, Wookiee babes... That's another story! ;) Tainted smurf childhood memories most likely.
Playing through as a Dark Side character is incredibly satisfying ("[Force Choke] You'll show me proper respect!" ^_^). The only thing is that I didn't manage to convert Juhani to the dark side, great pity really (but I tried!).