Knights of the Old Republic Appreciation Thread.
But I'm on my last planet.

.. as far as I know :)
Ask me about Norwegian humour Smile
[wcip Wrote:Angel,Dec 7 2003, 03:38 PM] On one of your optional visits to the space station (the one with the guy selling lots of nice weapons and armor and plays pazaak with a 750 maximum wager), you'll run into a band of smugglers who are no longer with the Exchange who will threaten the resident of the space station.
I did not encounter this quest when I played my first fact, I didn't even find 2 of the playable characters.

Quote:Considering the mods here are generally liberals who seem to have a soft spot for fascism and white supremacy (despite them saying otherwise), me being perma-banned at some point is probably not out of the question.
I'm guessing HK (the battle droid) and the one chick you kill on dantooine if you are on the dark side.

I love the game I played as a dark character my first go through. by the near end of the game i had about 55k though thats only because I never found anything that I felt was worth buying. nothing in that game seems like it has a fair price. yeah there is good stuff to buy but i guess its just the cheepscape in me that doesnt want to buy the stuff. besides its more then easy enough to beat eh game using nothing but the items you find and quest rewards.
Signatures suck
Bolty,Dec 7 2003, 09:07 PM Wrote:I did not encounter this quest when I played my first fact, I didn't even find 2 of the playable characters.


Oooo! You need to find the smugglers. They came back to Yavik and I managed to kill the lot of them. The vendor there rewarded me. I was allowed to buy the best items he had including 2 crystals at 25.000 and 20.000 respectively. They made my sabers *quite* powerful :)
Ask me about Norwegian humour Smile
Evil is murder on my conscience.. :(

I'm now at the end of the first planet. I'm running around insulting hookers for performing horrible massages.

More importantly, I killed both gangs, I performed all the assassinations, and I've insulted and threatened everyone I've met so far. I can't believe Carth and Ms Jedi hasn't killed med already .. :P
Ask me about Norwegian humour Smile
Well, I intended to sit down and write out a real report, but I never got around to it so here's the stream-of-consciousness version:

I ran into a display bug with my first character - at seemingly random times, your PC's Vitality display on the Item/Character/Equip screens will show 1/1. At the time I didn't know it was merely a display bug though, so I started a new character in a huff.

My current character is a Lightside Female Scoundrel 8/Guardian 5. I chose Scoundrel the second time through because they get Persuade as a class skill, a worthy tradeoff for the Implant feats IMO. Scoundrel's Luck is also better than Uncanny Dodge (again IMO). After working through Taris as possibly the worst class combat-wise, choosing Guardian gave me a big shot in the Vit/BAB stats, and I still have plenty of Force points for the powers I use (I'm concentrating on the heals, speed powers, force resistance and the pushes). I did take Affect Mind, but I've yet to use it - nearly every time it's come up as an option, it's either a blatantly Darkside response or too grey for me.

I've done Taris, Dantooine, Tatooine, and am nearly finished with Kashyyyk. I figure I'll do Manaan next, but I may head back to Tatooine first because I still haven't finished the swoop racing games there, and a few sidequests. Is it just me, or is swoop racing incredibly hard? In the second tier you have to beat a time of 23.29 seconds! My best time was 23.89, and I could only manage it once... :(

Also, regarding NPC sidequests: the only ones I know of are Mission's and Bastila's on Tatooine (although Mission's needs to be started on another planet?), Zaalbar's obvious one on Kashyyyk, and I guess HK-47's is the repair dialogue option that I can't seem to get to work. Do any other characters have actual quests related to them? I talk to them as often as I can; Canderous has a ton of war stories, but nothing resembling a quest, T3-M4 doesn't seem to have any dialogue of note at all ( :( ), and Juhani only seems to have new dialogue at every other level. Carth pretty obviously seems to be the female love interest, but besides conversations (which are way better than the Anomen BG2 romance - Carth is surprisingly deep, and there's alot of give-and-take between him and the PC rather than the "I'm stuck up so don't piss me off" attitude Bastila has) there isn't much happening with him.

So, any recommendations on what characters to take to which planets? I did Bastila/Mission/HK-47 on Tatooine and Canderous/Zaalbar (and later Carth or Jolee) on Kashyyyk. I really want to get more playing time in with Juhani and the droids, but are there particular places where having them in the party just 'works'?

Also, Dark Jedi piss me off. Darn Fear (or whatever power), pretty much instantly immobilizes lil' Seera Kast. Dangit. But they can't stand up to her long blue/short green lightsaber combination. B)

EDIT: More questions:

1) How the heck do you use Security Spikes/Tunnelers or the different computer/security passcards you come across? There's never any option to (even though the desfription for Security Spikes specifically says they show up as an option in the target boxes of locked doors and such), and you can't "use" them from the item screen. And I have 4 or 5 different computer passcards that, AFAIK, never lowered the number of spikes I had to use to slice something.
[Image: 9426697EGZMV.png]
Whoa. I just realized that Force Jump is considered a sneak attack. My new record is 117 points of damage in one hit (with Knight Speed on, so in 3 attacks). B)

My little Scoundrel/Guardian is running around with the Circlet of Saresh (+5 Wis, Light only) and the jedi gauntlets from Yavin (+3 Dex, +5 Blaster Bolt Deflection). She kicks a tonne of bootay. :ph34r:

Also, why the heck is the city on Tatooine Anchorhead? Are we supposed to believe that it's still around in 4,000 years? Or that the Anchorhead then just happens to have the same name as the city that was there four thousand years ago? Seems like a design boo-boo to me...

Will edit with pics later.
[Image: 9426697EGZMV.png]
Just cleared the sith-world. Will now go on to Tattooine in order to do the subquests for Canderous and Mission.

Huge spoiler. Don't read if you haven't finished the game:


Speaking of Canderous, isn't it peculiar that he's referring to Redan as "He" and "him" when you're playing a female character? And this is not Jedi-Revan; for which one could argue that the reason why he's using the pronoun "him" is because of Revan's disguise, but Republic-officer-Revan. There is no indication that he was in disguise whilst working for the Republic.

Bolty: In your player screen (the one with the nice red background if you're evil ... what does the 'slider' thing to the right of the character do? Right now I'm so evil I'm at the very bottom of the left column displaying which side of the force you're on, and after wreaking some havoc on Tattooine, some sort of "thing" was displayed on top of the right scale.

What's the screenshot-button? I can show you what I mean, if you don't understand.
Ask me about Norwegian humour Smile
Quote: Just cleared the sith-world.

I'm just finishing up Korriban as well. I was doing Manaan, but I triggered Carth's quest for Dustil, so I dropped everything to "save" him, then figured I may as well go through with Korriban.

Yuthura Ban was way cool. It would have been insanely cool if she could join the party if you redeemed her (which I did).

Quote:Speaking of Canderous, isn't it peculiar that he's referring to Redan as "He" and "him" when you're playing a female character?

I assume the voice actor wasn't paying attention to his lines, and they couldn't/wouldn't redo them for whatever reason. Canderous is the only character I've ever heard refer to Revan's gender, and only in one or two conversations, as well.

Quote:what does the 'slider' thing to the right of the character do?

That's kind of like a status bar - it'll show icons for being poisoned, stunned, if you have a speed power effecting you, etc. You also seem to get a "mastery bonus" if you're fully Light or Dark - my Guardian got +3 Strength when she pegged her meter at the top (which I promptly lost by doing some Genoharadan missions, but anyway). I suspect the bonus is based on your class - it doesn't seem to make much sense to give Consulars +3 Str, for example.

Quote:What's the screenshot-button?

I couldn't find one. <_< There's a line in swkotor.ini that reads "EnableScreenshots=0", but changing it did nothing I could see. I had to download a screencapture program (GrabClipSave, don't have a link handy at the moment) to get any. I think you could try FRAPS, as well.
[Image: 9426697EGZMV.png]
[Image: evil.jpg]
I didn't bother with a program, so I just used the print screen-function and pasted it into MS Paint.

As you can clearly see, I am as evil as they come ;)

It was hell having to kill Mission's brother along with the rest in that camp.

Now I just bought myself 30.000 worth of weaponry. I'm using Carronous and the evil robot so I don't have to listen to some goody two-shoes telling me off every time I want to steal or kill something. ;)

Tantooine is now finished. I met the smugglers on Yavin, which I'll kill the next time I face them, allowing me to purchase the two impressive crystals at 25 & 20k.

... and yes; swoop racing on Tattooine was a bit of a challenge.

Too bad you can't put 2 crystals of the same kind in 1 saber. I'd love to put both my krayt dragon thingies in one of my purple light sabers. (I'm currently dual-wielding)
Ask me about Norwegian humour Smile
"There is no indication that he was in disguise whilst working for the Republic."

Au contraire.

Carth doesn't recognize you.

Being evil certainly has its advantages:
[Image: ka-ching.jpg]
130.000 - more than enough to buy absolutely everything i I want :)

Spoiler ahead not related to me being filthy rich:


I have to say, having big Z kill his best friend (Mission) was murder on my conscience (no pun intended). I felt so bad I had to go up to the bathroom and wash away the sith-stench from my hands.

But now it's just the two sisters; Willow and Bastilla both in Sith master uniforms having a blast with Canderrous (menage à trois, anyone?)

I'm still on the Starforge, running around killing spawning soldiers left and right. Won't be long now till I am Ruler of Galaxy1™.

... I always knew girls were evil :lol:
Ask me about Norwegian humour Smile
Holy crap, 130k? :blink:

I had 60k after Taris, Dantooine, and playing a bunch of Pazaak at Yavin, but I spent about half of it on stuff from Dantooine (Jurgan Kalta's Blaster Rifle, Calrissian's Belt, Interface Visor, Infiltrator Gauntlets) since they, uh... Become unavailable later on. :(

I'm definitely going to have to go through the game again on the dark side. Probably as a Consular; then I can go wild with Lightning and Force Choke and all the fun dark side powers. B)

Side note: the scaling difficulty could be tweaked. If you go to Tatooine second (around level 14-15) virtually the only Sand People you encounter will be Elites or Holy Warriors. Those guys clean my clock. Me+Bastila+HK-47 can barely take 3 of them...

Also, Advance Lightsaber Throw absolutely rocks! It's guaranteed damage (unless the target resists energy) - it can't be blocked or dodged, and it can hit up to 3 targets! 15-90 damage on 3 targets for 20 Force points = awesome. :ph34r:
[Image: 9426697EGZMV.png]
[wcip Wrote:Angel,Dec 12 2003, 04:41 PM] Bolty: In your player screen (the one with the nice red background if you're evil ... what does the 'slider' thing to the right of the character do? Right now I'm so evil I'm at the very bottom of the left column displaying which side of the force you're on, and after wreaking some havoc on Tattooine, some sort of "thing" was displayed on top of the right scale.
That "thing" is the current "effect" cast on your character, whether it be buffs, negative effects, force powers, etc.

Funny, I thought getting that one "person" to kill the other "person" via mind control was really hilarious. I guess it's because I didn't adventure much with either of them, preferring the Dark Side aligned Canderous and TK-47 during my Dark Side gameplay. The weak deserve to die.

Quote:Considering the mods here are generally liberals who seem to have a soft spot for fascism and white supremacy (despite them saying otherwise), me being perma-banned at some point is probably not out of the question.
Here's me after getting the Manaan and Tatooine starmaps (only an NPC sidequest left on Manaan AFAIK):

[Image: KOTOR_SeeraKast.JPG]

Here's my Light/Dark meter after I do 4 of the 5 Genoharadan 'quests':

[Image: KOTOR_Genoharadan.JPG]

Man, those Dark Side hits hurt! It took me 4 planets to get it near the top, and a few shady choices drag it back down... :(

Also, having +18 Persuade is nice. B)
[Image: 9426697EGZMV.png]
Heh, I was going to put up a screenshot of mine but seems like I killed the save files after the uninstall. Not that it matters since I had messed everything up so terribly I was going to restart ANYWAY.

The reason is that, although I've been here in Germany for a while now (bit over one and a half years) there's just too much text and information to follow for my still underdeveloped german language skills. So I'm going to borrow a friend's Spanish version (I forgot to ask if it's also totally localized, heh) and install it instead, then I can use the german CDs for playing.

The funny thing when you don't understand everything is that you get a lot of surprises when playing. Most of the time what happened is that I killed someone I shouldn't have. Juhani comes to mind :lol:, or that guy you find at the beginning in the Sith base, when I confused red and green switches and fried him.

So, with all that my goody/baddy meter was dead in the middle of light/dark ;)

My character was a bit "weird", 20 strength, 10 dexterity, high constitution and charisma (why? heck, why not!) and light armour. Then I noticed that certain powers were not usable unless I was wearing no armour or a Jedi robe. That's the only thing I wanted to change (well, and stop killing people when I don't want to). I'm using only one lightsabre, call me old school if you wish, but everyone seems to be dual wielding or using those fancy dual bladed lightsabres so this is actually original.

Fun game anyway, Star Wars meets Neverwinter Nights pretty much, I like it.

Oh yeah, and I so want a purple crystal for my lightsabre. I mean, purple! How cool is that! (I won't be able to have anyone in my team with a green one in that case though...).
Quote:I mean, purple! How cool is that!

Hey! Green is cooler than purple!

(I use a green sabre, and gave Jolee a purple one. Juhani weilds blue and red sabres in my game, with Dark Jedi Master robes - quite fetching :D )
[Image: 9426697EGZMV.png]
Sith Revan robe is by far the coolest outfit in the game..

You'll be able to get it by manufacturing it using the star forge.


Bolty: Did you have Mission in your party when you killed her brother in the desert camp?

If so, how did she react?
If not, how did you manage to get her subquest back on track? All she says to me is "I'll find him somewhere" or something. I didn't have the option of informing her that I killed her brother.
Ask me about Norwegian humour Smile
Holy Freaking God.

I just finished the Leviathan bit, and I'm speechless.

Ho hum, we got captured, don't worry the crazy old guy'll save us!

Jolee runs up and down the hallways in his skivvies, Force Lightning-ing Sith troopers left and right, and rescues everyone. Yay!

But then we have to get to the bridge, where Carth, Bastila and I fight Saul Karath. With his dying breath, he tells Carth... something.

Carth totally flips out at Bastila, and I'm over here going "what the heck?"

Then Malak shows up, and starts talking like he knows me. Right about then I get this sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach....

Then he drops the bombshell, and all I can think is "Oh hell no... No way..."

So anyway, like I said: Holy Freaking God. :o :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: :ph34r:
[Image: 9426697EGZMV.png]
Yepp. I didn't see it coming either :)

Very cool turn of events. Innovative, new, refreshing. I love it when games are able to surprise me.
They did it with Decoy Octopus in Metal Gear Solid, Sarah Kerrigan as the Overmind's new agent in StarCraft, Paul Denton's "treachery" in Deus Ex, and now Revan joins the ranks of "big surprises".
Ask me about Norwegian humour Smile

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