Dragon Talon
I have started seven ladder characters, one of each persuasion, and I've been moving them along slowly, more or less together.

The primary attack of my baby ladder assassin is Dragon Talon, level 18 so far, for a four kick burst. The idea (eventually) is to employ a high level enchant and to deliver the damage in a 2 frame per attack burst against a single target. I'm hoping for at least 8k fire damage per burst, plus all the other nice things like Crushing Blow.

Unfortunately I was mostly making her earn her own way in the beginning by questing on her own without enchantment from her sister sorceress. What I sadly noticed yesterday is that, at least according to the character screen, enchant adds no fire damage (or any other kind of damage) to Dragon Talon!

Yes, enchant adds a big bonus to AR when using Dragon Talon, and enchant adds all kinds of lovely fire damage to the assassin's normal claw attack...just none to Dragon Talon.

When enchanted the assassin's katars turn red and as I mentioned the AR goes way up, but no extra damage is listed.

We are still in normal, so I cannot test against a fire immune, and most creatures where we are succumb in just one kick -- with or without enchantment.

The following post by Crystalion indicated that enchant worked with Dragon Talon in the beta:


Does anyone know if this was changed for the final? Or is it just a problem with the character screen display? Or is it just me?
"I may be old, but I'm not dead."
They don't call it the lying character screen for nothing. ;) You can test this by yourself too. Equip and unequip some elemental damage charms and watch for their graphical effects with DTalon, then compare that to what is shown on the character screen. A poison charm will turn your target green for example, and it can die from that damage, but nothing will be displayed on the character screen.

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