Charger guide
No, but it works with Charge. :P
Smite / Charge is an excellent combo for a "Fallen" paladin (no auras).

Unfortunately, the fact your right-button attack is locked for your aura makes that build very awkward for any "standard" aura-using paladin.
The need to constantly switch your left-button attack selection not only breaks the flow of the attack sequence, but quickly becomes very tedious.

Until 1.09, aura flashing made up for that.
But with aura flashing gone, paladins are left with the huge handicap of having only one attack available. I wish auras were castable spells.
Quote:I wish auras were castable spells.

I'm with you that the lack of a right mouse button is a letdown but my solution is simpler, the last aura used is the aura active. So all one would have to do is select an aura then switch to another desired skill, and auras can remain "passive". :unsure:

Yeah I'm straying off of the post tipic here a little here but it's one of my pet peeves. :D
there's some runewords like that now, right?
The wind has no destination.
1) This is mostly personal preference. I like to start hell at around level 75, others are more conservative.

2) The 1.10s charge bug is fixed, however other bugs have sprung up in its place.

3) This is a possibility, however AR will be a big problem unless you pump zeal. Also I find that without defense boosting skills it is very hard to tank for any sustained length of time in melee.....

4) Again AR is the issue. One could use blessed aim to solve this problem, but then you might as well go the whole hog and use blessed hammer for phys immunes....

5) Will do (in the equipment section ;) )

6) I've started on this section, though it needs to be cleaned up a lot, and there some more things I am going to add.

7) I haven't finished hell and I have died, but I play softcore (one because there are a lot of odd insta-death bugs going on in 1.10, two because this is my first 1.10 character and I would like to get a feel for what is dangerous and what isn't).

All but one of my deaths were due to stupidity on my part (in fact the vast majority were due to FE boss explosions), so yes, a carefully played charger could survive in hardcore.

Charge is not a forgiving skill though. If you're doing well you literally can't be touched. If you screw up things go bad very quickly.

9) This post is mostly about content rather than readability. Point taken that the guide should be more newbie friendly though, definitely something to look at after the core material is in place.

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