Assassin kick Questions
I'm searching for the answers to a couple of things concerning kick skills.

First, I'm trying to verify the base speed of kicks. I read on these forums and on the AB quite some time back that they have a base fpa of 12. For the life of me, I can't remember who posted the information. Regardless, all the IAS tables and info i've come across indicate the same. However, Zath pointed out to me that the kicks use the same animation as the "barrel kicks" and that is a 13 frame animation. Has this changed with this patch or is it coded so as to be a frame shorter with assassin skills?

The other question i have concerns Deadly Strike. I know the chance for a critical granted by CM doesn't apply to kicks, but am getting real conflicting information with deadly strike. My own testing just leaves me confused also. Is it applied? Does it need to come from an off-weapon source? Does it only apply to the added boot damage and not the base kicks damage? Okay, so that's more than one other question. :P

Any insight you all could give me would be hugely appreciated.

I cannot answer any of your questions, just wanted to whine a bit...

As long as assassins miss so frequently as they do (and I mean more frequently than a zealot, even in act1 normal, with 95% chance to hit), all data regarding the kick speed/damage is superficial, I'm afraid :P
Who cares how often you miss, if you can chop off Bone Ash's HP by 3/4 with a single Dragon Talon? :P In Normal. Without Crushing Blow. :P I think Andy took 2 flurries of 3 kicks each. You may only hit once every 4 kicks, but if each kick is doing "godly" damage(for the difficulty/act), it doesn't matter too much.

By the way, does anyone know if Rogue's Bow(unique composite bow) is a good weapon for a kicker? That 50% IAS looks pretty damn good...
Get a Fleshrender (uniq barbed club) and ETH it.
I have been using a Strength blade talon, but I plan to try Cleglaw's Brace. I should then have no AR problems, but I'm not sure how to deal with the effect of knockback, short of a Cham rune in my Tooth? Unfortunately I am a little short of Chams.
"I may be old, but I'm not dead."
I tried the Cleglaw set(no gloves yet though) Not too good for a kicksin(unless you run out of mana, etc) I'd say go for a "chance to cast Amp" item somewhere on your eq.

Oh yes, it seems that only one claw's effects will transfer to your kicks(typically, the left slot, which corresponds to the right hand), so if you're a Talon-user, go claw(primarily for the +skills)/shield(preferrably rhyme for +skills or 3/4dT / Ancients for resists) I wish claws would spawn with low level skills more often(as long as it's around the same time/frequency as with necro heads/pala shields) though. I typically don't see +specific skill claws until Act 2 Nightmare...
Quote:Who cares how often you miss, if you can chop off Bone Ash's HP by 3/4 with a single Dragon Talon?

Well, I do. It is just SAD that a bug like that remains in the game, and the balance changes come in the form of "yes, but you do 60k kick damage". Well geez, thanks. I still find that when a zealot kills faster with a 2k zeal, SOMETHING must be wrong.

I know I know, play a trapassin. I just hoped I could go kicking around *sob*
It was mostly a joke. But if memory serves, DT does knockback right? That might account for the missed kicks.
AtomicKitKat,Dec 17 2003, 12:44 AM Wrote:I tried the Cleglaw set(no gloves yet though) Not too good for a kicksin(unless you run out of mana, etc) I'd say go for a "chance to cast Amp" item somewhere on your eq.
But unless you have the full set you don't get the 35% crushing blow. The 35% CB, +20% IAS, and 6% mana steal sound rather nice to me. But she found lovely rare martial arts gloves in her muling game tonight.

No, I don't believe Dragon Talon does knockback in and of itself.
"I may be old, but I'm not dead."
The last kick in a DT cycle should knockback.

And yes, I have been very successful with Clegs and a Blade Fury assassin, so I don't see why I wouldn't be even more successful with a DTalon assassin.
Quote: It was mostly a joke
I did get that. However, I am still pissed :) My problem is with the chargeups. I miss a lot then. And I also miss with the initial kick (and if oyu miss there is no knockback). Mind you, once I don't miss, there is really no reason to worry, usually only the act boss survives it.

Zath found the answer to the first part of this post. Base kick speed is 12 fpa.
Thanks Zath! :)


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