Duriel Quest
I started leveling in pubbie act 2 games, and starting collecting quest items. At this point I joined a private game with my friend. I tried to someone's town portal to Canyon of the Magi, and couldn't go in because I didn't do the summoner's quest yet. I keep killing monsters, and snagged the viper amulet. At this point I neglected the staff, because the maggot lair proved really annoying. I worked my way down to arcane for some levels. Anyhow, my friend came along and I joined his private game. He was in act 3, so I was like "no probelm, I'll just complete act 2 first. Stangely, Meshif let me go into act 3. I never completed the staff. I still couldn't take a TP down to the Canyon of the Magi.

Do you simply have to be in the same act as someone who kills Duriel? Maybe it was alsways like this, but I haven't seen anything like it until now.

This oddity has happened in both normal and nightmare. My character has never faced Duriel, and he might not be pleasant, but I'm definitely missing something.
With great power comes the great need to blame other people.
Guild Wars 2: (ArchonWing.9480) 
Battle.net (ArchonWing.1480)
After duriel has been slain (but without talking to Tyriel), it is possible to come in with a low level character and walk all the way down to the tomb and talk to Tyriel to get credit for the quest. This is how I got low level ladder characters to Kurast to buy gray items.

Maybe, as you say, it is not even necessary to talk to Tyriel?
"I may be old, but I'm not dead."
If you have two characters, one sitting in town and the other questing, both partied, and you complete a quest, the one character that is sitting in town doing nothing gets credit for its completion. The only time that he doesn't get credit for it is if the character that is questing has already completed the quest before, in which case the character in town would get the old "you cannot complete this quest..." message. In that case, the town-sitter would have to get the last hit on end bosses, or be present at the death of certain item dropping bosses. Also, you have to be in the same act to get quest credit.

Take, for example, the hellforge quest and these criteria:
1. The town-sitter (townie) created or joined a game in which the quest was open.
2. A second character joined and he had already completed the quest in a previous game.
3. The two characters partied together.

Hepphy would only drop the hellforge hammer if the town-sitter was present for his death, but the townie does not need to get the final blow. But, if the town-sitter stays in town at the moment of Hephasto's death, the hammer will not drop and the town-sitter will get the "cannot complete quest" message.

For act bosses, the town-sitter must get the final blow in order to complete the quest. So, if you're carrying a character along, be sure not to exit or unparty before you get the credit for beating the boss...

So, with this in mind, level 1 characters can be carried all the way to Hell act 5. It's not necessarily a good idea to do so, because of the added difficulty of having more people in the game and having one of those people do absolutely nothing... The only place a level 1 cannot go are the worldstone chambers. Since they can't get credit for the ancient's quest at level 1, they are disallowed from entering the chamber via way point or town portal.

I have a couple of level 1 characters that have access to all way points in all acts (except for the worldstone way points) but whom have never faced an end of act boss. Good thing too, since they're only level 1 and they would be clobbered instantly. It's kind of funny having a character that has all of the quests completed (except for ancients and imbue quest) and has all quest rewards but yet is level 1. A level 1 with 12 skill points 60 extra life and 30 to all resistances. That'd make starting a new character easier, eh?
"Yay! We did it!"
"Who are you?"
"Um, uh... just ... a guy." *flee*
No your right, you just cant take the WP's until certian quests are complete. It's pretty annoying IMO, but stops leechers dead in their tracks, as does the ancients quest. I would of been nice to save the ancients for levels 97, 98, and 99. That is one thing I'm really dissappointed in.
"The true value of a human being is determined primarily by the measure and the sense in which he has attained liberation from the self." -Albert Einsetin

I too have experienced similair quest malfunctioning. My level 76 necromancer has never done nightmare ancients, yet has conquered hell mode. I was slaying some monsters in the bloody foothills when my party slew Baal - I had never done the ancients, yet I still got the quest :D.

Well, the Ancients Quest was always like that. :P
With great power comes the great need to blame other people.
Guild Wars 2: (ArchonWing.9480) 
Battle.net (ArchonWing.1480)
A few corrections:
JustAGuy,Dec 23 2003, 11:09 PM Wrote:The only time that he doesn't get credit for it is if the character that is questing has already completed the quest before, in which case the character in town would get the old "you cannot complete this quest..." message.
Another case is when character in town is not enough "old" to get quest credit (clvl 8 for Imbue quest, clvl 20/40/60 for Ancients).

Quote:Hepphy would only drop the hellforge hammer if the town-sitter was present for his death, but the townie does not need to get the final blow. But, if the town-sitter stays in town at the moment of Hephasto's death, the hammer will not drop and the town-sitter will get the "cannot complete quest" message.
From my expirience, this is not correct - Hephasto will drop the hammer if there is at least one player in the game that can complete the quest, regardless of where he's located. (Not 100% sure, but I think he may be even in different act.)

Quote:For act bosses, the town-sitter must get the final blow in order to complete the quest. So, if you're carrying a character along, be sure not to exit or unparty before you get the credit for beating the boss...
Not correct - "town-sitter" just need to be reasonably close to the act bosses at the moment of their death.

EDIT: Regarding so-called "Duriel quest" - it actially has nothing to do with Duriel. Instead, quest is completed when you talk with Tyrael. (Well, you have to kill Duriel to get access to Tyrael, but killing him does not trigger any quest completion by itself.)

Now, when character who didn't have that quest before talks with Tyrael, then everybody who partied with him get credit for the quest as well, provided they are currently in Act 2 (any place).

Quote:From my expirience, this is not correct - Hephasto will drop the hammer if there is at least one player in the game that can complete the quest, regardless of where he's located. (Not 100% sure, but I think he may be even in different act.)

I tested it out on the realm. In a 2 player game, one character level 66 with the hell forge quest completed, and one level 1 town-sitter:

The results: you are correct, he does indeed drop the hammer in a party or in a party regardless of the presence of the town-sitter. It's odd, because I clearly remember not being able to complete the quest for some reason; probably the town sitter was in another act, or that crack I had smoked made me think that I had the quest open.

Quote:Not correct - "town-sitter" just need to be reasonably close to the act bosses at the moment of their death.

I wasn't 100% on the boss-death bit, but I thought I was right with the hellforge bit, so I bet you you're right again. That's not one I can as easily test, as all my characters are on the realm, and I don't really want to mess around with the tcp/ip stuff. Again, the crack I smoked must have clouded my memories.

Crack, don't smoke it. Trust me.
"Yay! We did it!"
"Who are you?"
"Um, uh... just ... a guy." *flee*

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