Diablo 2 Mod Ideas

I was just thinking... would it be possible to make a mod where you got to choose all of your skills from all 7 character classes when you made your character. It would clearly be overpowered but would be a lot of fun to combine different skills together, just an idea anyway ;).
Can't answer your question but that would be pretty sweet. Although, if you think about it, it wouldn't necessarily be overpowered since everyone has the same access to skills, so it's up to you how good your build comes out to. And you should still only have 30(?) skills.
Ran off to the Amazon Basin
30 Skills would be the amount you would be able to select, and you would be forced to choose a certain amount of lvl1 skills, lvl6 skills ect...

I've given it some more thought and realized that it would be a lot harder to create than I imagined, although I have '0' experience with this kind of thing.
Actually I don't think it would be that hard to do, I tried making a similar mod sometime ago similar to the one that you are mentioning now. :D

EDIT: changed mention to mentionING
Heh, heh, heh... one can dream:

Skelliemancers with Battle Orders, Shout, Oak Sage and Fanaticism.

Sorceresses with Lower Resist.

Whirlwinders with Tiger Strike for Great Justice!!!
I've been thinking about that too. Some ways:

* A front-end (external program) where you select which skills your character should use - feasable, but then you can't play in multi since everyone's files are different. Could maybe only switch skilltabs - wouldn't be as possibly overpowered then.

* Since you can add in 27 more skills you could give all elemental skills to Sorcs, all party helping for Barbs, all minion skills to Necros, etc.

* Removing skillpoints and giving skills from loot - one mod was going to have it, but it was removed since what skills you got was too random. Basically you have a 'Brain' which you cube with an item, then one skillpoint is added, find another of the same, you get the skill higher, etc.
The skill-tab idea is good. Simply choose three skill-tabs that you would like to use.

You could chose Necromancer Summoning, Barbarian Warcries and Paladin Offensive Auras for example.

One problem I could imagine are that a character might end up lacking an animation for one or more of his/her skills. I am talking stuff like Leap, Whirlwind and the Assassin kick attacks.
I think that the animations are all very flexible. Because of all the cross-class skills on items now, I don't think it matters what class you are.
I have been suggesting this since 1.0. Allow a character to choose three skill-tabs to use, but the skill tabs should be classified into offensive, defensive and 'other' to avoid balance problems, also the unique tab you choose is linked to your class, so barb combat skills goes with barbarian etc. and you can't have two unique tabs.

Rough classification:
Combat Skills (off.)u
Masteries (oth.)
Warcries (def.)
Combat skills
Combat skills (oth.)u
Offence (off.)
Defence (def.)
Summons (def.)u
Bone (oth.)
Curses (off.)
Bow (off.)u
Spear (off.)u
Passives (def.)
--would need to be reworked ;)

MA (off.)
Traps (oth.)
Shadows (def.)u

off. tabs generally contain combat multiplier skills such as amp/fana/WW/strafe etc. to avoid unbalance
def. generally contains defence/summons/passives type choices to avoid unbalance

Of course, this is all kind of screwy now that we have cross-tab passives :)
Little Faith,Dec 28 2003, 09:11 PM Wrote:Sorceresses with Lower Resist.
Conviction aura-ed Sorc casting Lower Resist, spamming FOs. GL to the guy who has to face that...

Vermin like treacle.
Wow, lots of nice ideas in this thread ;)

The first idea that I came up with to keep this balanced would be to give a character every skill tab. Yes, all 21 (!) of them. One would have to be careful about skill allocation, prerequisites and such.

Another possible idea: Players are allowed to choose 20 (or less) skills, abiding by the aforementioned idea:
diablo1ks @ Dec 27 2003, 04:04 PM Wrote:...and you would be forced to choose a certain amount of lvl1 skills, lvl6 skills ect...
...Perhaps: 4 {level 1 skills}, 3 {level 6 skills}, 4 {level 12 skills}, etc.

Little Faith @ Dec 28 2003, 04:23 PM Wrote:One problem I could imagine are that a character might end up lacking an animation for one or more of his/her skills. I am talking stuff like Leap, Whirlwind and the Assassin kick attacks.
I'm pretty sure that this would not be a problem - the game engine is very versitile with skill borrowing. Methinks assasin kicks are the same animation as barrel kicks. Also, my assasin used to grunt when she used charges of 'Bash.' :lol:

There are so many possiblities with this kind of mod...I would love to play one.

Many ideas that infested my mind:
  • TANK (mostly ideas): bone armor (1 pt, and max synergies wall and prison), cyclone armor (with some synergies), maybe prayer, BO, oak sage
  • defensive whore: fade, iron skin, natural resist, shout, defiance, holy shield, werebear, shiver armor, evade/avoid/dodge, concentrate, decrepify.
  • TANK sorc: Energy shield, telekenisis, Warmth, Meditation, prayer, BO, holy shield, shiver armor or shout.
  • Trap assasin: Lightning traps with lightning mastery or fire traps with fire mastery, maybe conviction and lower resist to boot.
  • Insane damage: Tiger strike, werebear, maul, impale, spear mastery, fanatacism, burst of speed, heart of wolverine, amp damage. :D
  • Summoner: Paladin with auras, curses, lots of skeletons, warcries, a spirit, and teleport(!), fury, fighting side by side with skels.<>
    Some excellent skills to give to every class: an assasin 'aura', a charge up skill, a weapon/element mastery, shapeshifting skills, defense skills (like holy shield), teleport, spirits, paladin auras, amazon passives, barb passives, warcries, corpse explosion, curses, a tank summon.

For the sorc, couldn't you simply classify all her trees as other and she doesn't have a unique skill set, she just gets 3 tabs from the "other" category that aren't also classes as unique.

Your list as I see it is like this, any character can select from these groups, unless that class has a unique tab in that category. The sorc would be the one exception with all three of her tabs coming from the 'Other' category:

Elemental (Dru)
Traps (Asn)
Poison/Bone (Nec)
Masteries (Barb)
Fire (Sorc)
Cold (Sorc)
Lightning (Sorc)

Offensive Auras (Pal)
Curses (Nec)
Martial Arts (Asn)

Warcries (Barb)
Defensive Auras (Pal)
Passive and Magic (Zon)
Druid Summons (Dru)

Class Unique
Paladin - Combat Skills (off)
Amazon - Bow and Crossbow OR Javelin Spear (off)
Necro - Summons (def)
Barb - Combat Skills (off)
Sorc - None
Druid - Shapechanging (off)
Assasin - Shadow (def)

That still makes that class mean something, and it still allows a lot of flexibility. The sorcs uniqueness is that she gets the 3 other skills, it still makes her a pure spell caster, which is the class intent, but you have opened up other fire/cold with the druid and poison/bone and the traps to her now. I suppose you could change the constraint to she has to simply take two other skills and can take three if she so desires. That means she could have an offensive or a defensive.

I think that this would work pretty well for balance as well. Though I see the defensive aura not getting picked much. Most of the classes are still limited in the offense with this too, and it looks like it kills the hybrid zon. Unless you were forcing 2 unique skills on her.
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.

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