Bar WW questions
I have some questions about Whirlwind after reading Hammerman's post:
Quote:Whirlwind Breakpoints

This is my understanding of whirlwinds attack rate... but I'm not 100% sure of all of this.

Every 4th frame of the sequence, the game checks if it should make an attack. For the first time (frame 4 in the sequence), you will get an attack. The second time (frame 8), you also get an attack. After that, you get an attack based on the weapons ias/wsm:

delay = a1_frames*256 / ((weapon ias+wsm+100)*anim speed/100)

a1_frames = frame length of normal attack (attack1)
anim speed = 256 for all attacks
weapon ias = sum of fast/faster/fastest attack speed mods on the weapon
wsm = negative 'speed' from weapons.txt

This is then "breakpointed":

delay = real delay
0 = 4
12 = 6
15 = 8
18 = 10
20 = 12
23 = 14
26 = 16

If dual weilding, it changes wich weapon to use each successful attack. As before, the game checks every 4th frame if it should make an attack, and if the delay has passed you will get an attack.

bit ot: The formula I gave for 'delay' is also used to determine the very slow-very fast attack speed display on weapons (and it is also used in wereform attack speed calculations):

very slow attack speed = 28 or higher
very fast attack speed = 9 or lower

The rest of the variations (fast, slow, normal, etc) are different for char/weapon.

What confused me are:
(1) Is the delay recalculated after each successful hit?
(2) When dual wielding, does the game use the two weapons alternately? Or respectively?
(3) What is the value of "a1_frame"?
(4) Is "a1_frame" different to each weapon class? (one hand swing, one hand thrust, two hand slash, two hand thrust, two hand swing)
(5) The famous Weapon Speed Calculator shows me that the WW speeds are same for using two swords(one sword in each hand) and using one two handed sword(used with two hands). Is this correct? I'm quite doubt about it.
No that calculator is not accurate for Whirlwind. Did you read the rest of that thread? Most of your answers could be found there. Also you can check these threads.
The original, I mean.
And didn't some of you smart people put together a usable ww-calculator?
The orginal thread which was linked back to from the first thread that I listed also.

I do not recall any calculator as it really only takes a couple of charts that are listed in the AB thread and the orginal thread to do a simple look up of what is happening.
that's a lot of info there.

Am I right in assuming that if you only do very short ww-s, weapon speed would not matter (that much)?

like if I could do 8 frame ww-s, I could get away with using the slowest weapon?
Yes, that is what made the Dance of Death very effictive even with a very slow weapon.
better news than I hoped!
Thanks again
Thank you Ruvanal. I have read these topics and learned much.
A new question is: they say that WW attack range is 5 TU radius. Does "radius" here mean "semidiameter" or "diameter" ?
hi, another question...
In those posts, the default "left hand" is "from player's perspective". So, from Barbarian's perspective, the default hand is the right hand. At the beginning of Whirlwind, Barbarian's right hand is the default hand.
Are these correct?

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