One Major Gap In D2
Yes, that's right, sound. Although a great game, D2 is lacking in the sound department. I think that there should be a few changes to it. I'm not exactly a music person (I don't listen to any music, but I do appreciate good bg music in games and movies), but sound affects are a little more known to me. I think there should be a few different sounds for missing, dependant upon different things. If the enemy has metalic armor, there should by a thunking sound for clubs and staves and such, a clinking sound for metalic weapons, and a slightly different clinking for arrows. However, if their monster level is very high compared to your level, and/or they are small, there should be more whiffing (they are able to sidestep your attack or something). Your attack rating should also determine which sound is used. So if you have an attack rating of 50, there should be a lot of whiffing upon missing, but if you have an AR of 10K, and you're up against a Moon Lord, there should be some clinking sounds. (the only thing that is coming to mind to improve it, ATM)

So what do you all think about the sounds?
Not very impressive , but it will increase the system requirement if too many special effects involved. Blizzard always tries to keep its products at an acceptable level for all types of players. Just take a look at SC or war3

At first I thought to myself "What in God's name is Obi2 talking about?!" Now I see your point. Indeed good sound effects could greatly improve this game! Thus, enjoy the rant that follows.

Perhaps on more 'fleshy' monsters such as fallen and the like, you can have a satisfying *SMLUSH* slicing noise of metal being sunk into their flesh (for sharp weapons such as axes and swords), and some sort of half-smush-half-crunch from blunt weapons (crunch from bones fracturing). By fleshy I of course mean unarmored. Also, the amount of damage you do to the monster should play a factor in the the sound effect. This should be based on what percent hp do you hurt the monster, by, for example, increasing the volume of the effect, or maybe making it resonate more. ;)

As for Diablo, who appears to look 'fleshy' he is also covered in a scaly carapace, so the noise here would be different.

Also, IMO, arrows could really benefit from good sound effects! Not to say they are not good already, its just that they are...well...non-existent. The kind of sounds that I am thinking of are *sWoosh* and *phhht* noises as the arrows sail through the air, and *<noise of arrow sinking into flesh>* OR *chink*, bouncing off armor. A great example of this can be seen in the Lord of the Rings movies; the arrow sound effects are very well done.

Also, methinks the music of the game needs some more variation. It changes from act to act, but methinks that certain areas (that exude a different vibe) should be flavored with different music. For example, caves and the like could have a creepy, sinister music(actually maybe they do and I've never noticed?), and hellish places like the River of Flame and the Pit of Acheron could have foreboding music. Also, it would be really cool if in those two areas you could hear the wails of the souls roasting in the magma. :rolleyes:

Ah! And one cool think I just thought of, somewhat related: If you totally overpower your victim, and overkill them (whereas overkill is defined as killing them in one hit, or doing a disgusting ammount of damage to finish them off), one of the following occurs (depending on kill method):
  • Their body goes sprawling backwards in a splatter of blood after whacking with a blunt weapon or an assassin kick, OR
  • They are cloved in twane from a sharp weapon, OR
  • They are impaled by a javelin (it sticks in the ground and their carcass is stuck onto it), OR
  • Their body pops if they are speared to death, OR
  • Their body is riddled with arrows on the ground if death by bow, OR
  • They twitch on the ground a bit if they are electrocuted, OR
  • Their carcass burns and melts if death by fire, OR
  • They puke up guts (like Baal) if they die of poison,
  • Their soul flies out of their body (like a rogue) if they are killed from magic OR
  • They are chopped up like mincemeat if slain a la Frenzy.<>
    These effects are somewhat analogous to the sporatic shatter effect of cold damage.

    Well, thats all I can think of at the moment :lol:


    edit: typos etc.
I think that for the most part the sound effects for Diablo II are approximately on par with those of Diablo I. Unfortunately I always thought that could have done with a great deal of improvement in Diablo I. Musically however, I enjoy the soundtrack very much - *specifically* that of Lord of Destruction.
Except for hard drive space (at least not that much...). Because it wouldn't really add more effects at once, it will just replace the generic whoosh or thunk. :)
... they were VERY noticable, weren't they? I remember thinking a few times: "Those arrows remind me more of bullets... WHOOSH-THWANK!" I bet it was just to draw attention to Orlando Bloom :lol:

...Maybe not quite THAT loud, but... maybe so... I remember [Off Topic Rant] playing as my amazon with some barb (I think) against Diablo (Maybe even in classic... wow, this WAS some time ago) and he's like chop chop.. I fire immo, life drops a chunk, the barb knocks a few mini-chunks, the casting delay is over and I fire immo again, D's life drops a chunk, (the fire he was standing in hurt too) and after a bit (this was in normal) we dropped him without too much trouble, and the barb's like: "Yeah! I did it!"

I silently fumed "I'm a member of the party too! Even though I don't have a big axe, I can still deal damage!"

Haven't thought about that for a while.... just popped into my head...
moget?,Jan 8 2004, 04:08 PM Wrote:Also, the amount of damage you do to the monster should play a factor in the the sound effect.&nbsp; This should be based on what percent hp do you hurt the monster, by, for example, increasing the volume of the effect, or maybe making it resonate more. ;)
Yeah, I've wanted that since it came out. As an exlusive HC player it always bugged me in HC when I could be kitted out in MDR, standing in a FW in arcane taking no damage, and the sorc is still howling in pain.
Still puzzles me how the bone armour can be protecting my necro from spikes up the hind while he's moaning like a *censored description of animals*

Also, like the idea of the various ancilliary attack effects, although I think the "soul removal" should be reserved for Bone Spirit.

Bone Spear should drag their bodies behind them for a short distance(ie, hole-y bodies in a trail behind it)

Critical hit kills with sharp weapons should result in decaptitation, while CB and crushing crit kills should result in badly bruised bodies(preferrably with a nice CRUNCH as their bones crumple)

Fire should have an "I'm melting!" animation, ala The Sims. :P

Lightning should have a chance to reanimate nearby non-undead, corporeal corpses as (very low hp, so-so or no xp)zombie versions of themselves(kind of like the Tomb Reaver axe's special power)

Undead killed by Sanctuary or FoH should be automatically "redeemed" like how it works after you kill Radament.

Molten Boulder/Armageddon and Meteor should have a chance to do crushing blows on monsters, and a special "rock in the skull, face half buried in the dirt" kill animation. :P

Fissure/Volcano could have been made to remove monster corpses(they fall in the holes)

Arctic should have been built with a slight inherent knockback(say, every 10 frames?)

On a related note, anyone else here love knocking back Urdars/Blunderbores? It always amuses me no end, to dragon tail/smite them, causing them to spin around, and look stupid(er than normal).

Just some more ideas to add to the "will be implemented when Diablo gets Arctic Blast" list...

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