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This is not a trading forum. Please don't post here looking for items. However, if you read the responses to your post, you will find some information that may help you find the item you're looking for.

"The future is blurry, the past unclear, all you have is now and here..." ~ Telveck
However, I wouldn't bother looking for a trade for this particular item. I get them in TONS. Usually around about Act 2 or 3 Normal. Keep killing stuff, it'll drop eventually.
Yeah, hes right, Mephisto on normal drops them like hes giving away free apples. They piss me off no end :D
a55of rot13

539 tbh

Don't think cos i understand... i care
Don't think cos we're talkin... we're friends

*shavenlunatic - Europe
Nonono, that's mephisto in HELL that pisses ME off. Then again, he throws more of Isenharts than Berserker anyway

If you want to find your hatchet, your magic find must be fairly good... Give your merc stuff that adds to MF mod and then i think your Mf doesnt add to ur mercs MF but your merc will have ur MF... Go to Nightmare and find Mephisto, he is very high level... Weaken him a lot and u should give the finishing blow to ur merc... Good luck in finding ur hatchet


I am curious because I have never ever gotten a rare or even magical item from Duriel, does anyone else experience this problem?
Gnem Eehc is actually Gnem Eehc.
I usually get a rare minimum from Duriel. Your MF doesn't even need to be very high, maybe about 30%(any item with Lucky+ of Fortune)

You can get Double Axes almost immediately from the start of Act 3.

Forgot to add, mercs add your MF to theirs when they kill. But not vice versa

Quote:9) Please take all trading posts to www.diabloii.net - we do not evaluate or trade items on these forums. Post at your own risk: you'll get at least a dozen flames before it is nuked!

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