Chance to be hit with block
I was wondering how you determine the monster's chance to hit you, after you add your chance to block. Thanks.

"I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours."
-Sir Stephen Henry Roberts
The chance to hit formula is:
2 * attacker_level / (attacker_level + defender_level) * attacker_AR / (attacker_AR + defender_DR)
(Multiply by 100 to get the percent).

This doesn't include blocking. Since the two work independently, just multiply the chance to get hit by the chance not to block to get your total chance of being hit.

For example, if monsters have a 40% chance of hitting you, using the above formula, but you have max block (75%), monsters have a real 10% chance of hitting you (since sometimes you'll block).
How accurate is the LCS in regards to monster chance to hit you when you hover over you defence number?
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.
I do not know if you know this or not, but it is not all the same wether you thwart an attack with your defense or with blocking.

If your defense stops an attack, it has absolutelly no effect on you: you go along as if nothing happened. If, however, they got through your defense, and you block an attack, the "block" action will overwrite your chosen action. This means, that you block INSTEAD of attacking (very noticable for Inferno sorceresses, I think the other one has noted it too ;)).

So the way it works:
  • The attackers attack rating and level, and the defenders defense rating and level will determine wether the defeneder had been hit or not
  • IF the above indicates that the defender had been hit THEN the defender's chance to block will determine wether (s)he successfully blocked or not<>
    [st]This means, that the OVERALL chance that a SINGLE attack will hit you indeed depends multiplicatively on your "chance to hit" and "chance to block", but you need to decide about the high/low defense in light of the character build.

    On a side note: does anyone know how EXACTLY the faster block works in 1.10? It was said that block lock was eliminated, but it FEELS (haing performed a significant number of LL-duel tests on the issue) that while your character seems swinging on YOUR client it actually does not swing - although you can walk away unlike as in the case of block-lock before). So to me it FEELS as if they'd only made the "walk away" action uninterruptable by block, but other actions still get overwritten by it. Anyone of you smart people has more accurate data on this issue?
I can never get the LCS to match what I calculate.
I think I could in v1.09, but now I can't

I heard that (in v1.09 on) monsters get a 4X bonus to their AR over what is listed in the monsters.txt file, but that doesn't totally solve my problems.

I don't know if the LCS is wrong, or I'm missing something in my calculations.
I can never get the LCS to match what I calculate.
I think I could in v1.09, but now I can't

I heard that (in v1.09 on) monsters get a 4X bonus to their AR over what is listed in the monsters.txt file, but that doesn't totally solve my problems.

I don't know if the LCS is wrong, or I'm missing something in my calculations.
rwbatema,Jan 23 2004, 01:06 AM Wrote:I can never get the LCS to match what I calculate.
I think I could in v1.09, but now I can't

I don't know if the LCS is wrong, or I'm missing something in my calculations.
What are you using for the monsters AR and mlvl? If you are using figures from the the data listed on sites like the AS or, then it is innaccurate for most cases of nighmare and hell difficulty. Those sites used the wrong base information for the mlvl of the monsters in those difficulties. The game now uses a system that sets the monster levels different for each area. In turn it also uses the mlvl in conjunction with a table (monlvl.txt) to set the monsters HP, AR, DR, damage and experience based on this adjusted mlvl and the data from monstats.txt. The nly time that the dat will end matching correctly is if you are checking this when encounter that specific monster in an area that sets its level to what those sites are listing as the monster level in their erroneous tables (providing that they did all the calculations right also).
rwbatema,Jan 22 2004, 09:04 PM Wrote:I heard that (in v1.09 on) monsters get a 4X bonus to their AR over what is listed in the monsters.txt file, but that doesn't totally solve my problems.
Try v1.00 on ;)

Basically, what happened was, they beta tested maxed out defense-focused Barbarians and Paladins, and found that hell difficulty was a breeze for them. So, as a quick fix, they multiplied all monster AR by 4.

This, of course, screwed over all other builds to the point that defense doesn't matter unless you have a ton of it AND a significantly high defense skill bonus, such as Defiance or Shout.

It wasn't noticed for a long time, because shield blocking didn't have an animation against melee attacks, so people thought their defense was working, and that sheilds only worked against missile attacks.

It still hasn't been rectified to this day. The real problem was that Barbarians and Paladins had two skills each that could increase their defense (Iron Skin and Shout, and Holy Shield and Defiance), and that the skills gave far too much of an increase over builds that didn't use them. Instead of making the gap smaller by lowering the bonuses the skills gave, and only giving them one defense skill each, they forced non-defense skill builds to use sheild blocking to make up for it. They then introduced blocklock and the dex requirement with 1.07, making the gap even wider. The only thing they did to help was add defiance mercs and elite armor, but being forced to use one type of merc out of a dozen is no different from being forced to use one of the high defense builds, in my opinion.

Jarulf found the "feature", and Bolty has a page devoted to it on the site:

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